
Health of a community: The Gig Economy

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3 min read

Health of a community

Lately the world is going through a difficult time. Its been 8 months of a global pandemic. The city I live in has been throughly affected. Most offices remains 'remote', most schools remains closed, most entertainment activities remain suspended. That is probably the case in most parts of the world including for most people in this community. I observed two specific things during this time of isolation.

  1. Our personal time increased, meaning, probably our time with a phone or a computer
  2. Lots of things which were secondary earlier, now become primary

Let me explain the second point, because the first point requires no explanation. I always worry trying to explain thing though because I have learned:

If you can't understand it without an explanation, you can't understand it with an explanation...... Haruki Murakami, 1Q84

Yeah, that's a great book.

Sorry, getting back to it. Here in town, I know a lot of people who had a secondary passion. I know a guy from Morocco, who is a school teacher, but love to teach Tennis to kids on the side, for a little money. I know during this time, he was eager to get into more Tennis lessons. Although it has been difficult, as parents are uncofortable to let kids into sports during this time. But Tennis is a low contact sport, so it's a bit better.

I know a co-worker, who loves to trade. Mostly short-term trade in the US stock market. He is trading more and trying to be successful and consistent.

I know another co-worker, who love to buy, rennovate, and sale a house. Its called 'flipping'. He used to flip, may be one or two houses a year. Last 8 months he has flipped 6. Now as a business, it is not much, because more professional (even 1 man army) flippers flip 10-12 houses a year. But it is a great start from my friend.

Point is people are finding that leaning on their existing conventional source of income is not enough or safe. People want back-up plan, an alternate source of income. I think this is the 'gig economy', in Bengali it is called 'khep'. I think the new world is the 'gig economy' basically all over the world. I think surviving and perhaps thriving in the 'gig economy' is mandatory for the health of a community.

Gig Economy

A gig economy is a free market system in which temporary positions are common and organizations hire independent workers for short-term commitments. The term "gig" is a slang word for a job that lasts a specified period of time; it is typically used by musicians. Examples of gig employees in the workforce could include freelancers, independent contractors, project-based workers and temporary or part-time hires.

Many here are more familiar with the term than myself. I am passed the optimal age to get really sucked into it. However, I am a big suppoter of the gig economy. I personally do not feel that the people should do 8-5 full time job (although I do, but rarely full time for multiple years now). People should be able to control their personal time. People should be able to decide, when they want to work, and when they don't. Quality of life doesn't have to be judged on Money, at least not all the time. May be it can be judged on happiness.


That infographic above is a bit dated, but I still like it. The word infographic is itself a word of the gig economy. As 10 years back, I think the concept perhaps existed, but the word wasn't, at least it was not this commonplace. The info-graphic is mostly for the United States, but it is quite relevant in the rest of the world as well. It starts with ride-sharing, goes through, dog-sitting and baby-sitting, to BLOG (wink, wink!!), to Art-Crafting to Video work. All along the way, "there is an app for that"!

So what you think? Is stead of me saying many other things.... why don't you tell me what kind of gigs you guys are running?.... please in the comment write real experiences, I am sure it will be fun!