
Hive has a good buzz

avatar of @steevc
2 min read

The news that Steem will fork this week has stimulated lots of activity. On Friday the blockchain state will be duplicated to create the new @hiveio that will contain all previous posts, comments and other data. The main differences will be that Steemit's stake will be excluded and there will be a delay before new accounts can vote for witnesses. Our Steem and Steem Dollars will gain us matching Hive tokens. Exchanges will have to apply to get this done. Our keys will remain the same and can be used to log into new Hive services and to Steem sites that move to Hive. Some may opt to run on Steem in parallel, but I suspect use of that will decline.

Coin Telegraph has covered this story and other media will too.

This move is being orchestrated by a team of developers that includes several witnesses. I trust them to do what is right.

I just saw Steem had a spike of around 50% and it is still holding fairly well. I assume someone is buying a lot.

The impact of this change will be determined over coming weeks. Work is ongoing to get Hive tokens listed on various exchanges. I would expect @blocktrades will have it soon as they are a key player in this with @gtg doing some liaison.

It looks like some key dapps are eager to adopt Hive, but it will be interesting to see what happens to those who showed support for what Justin wanted. For some a rename and re-branding may be on the cards.

The balance of power will shift with the non-Steemit whale accounts having more influence than before. Actually we all get more of a say as we all have a slightly larger percentage of the total voting stake.

I am a little sad to see it come to this, but there was little sign of a peaceful resolution to the current stalemate.

I plan to focus on Hive as it looks like that is where my friends will be and I do not have time to manage multiple platforms. We will have to see if it will be worth selling our Steem. This will depend on how the markets react and what the power down period could be changed to. Mine remains powered up for now.

Now I need an alternative sign-off to 'Steem on!'. 'Buzz off' does not sound right.

It is pure coincidence that I passed this place today.