
New Tribe on the Block | Announcing Lifestyle: Live & Share Your Best Life on the Steem Blockchain

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  1. Our Motto: "Live & Share Your Best Life"
  2. Low Token Supply & Slow-Airdrops to Avoid Dumping
  3. 40% Proof of Brain, 40% Proof of Mining & 20% Proof of Delegation
  4. Delegate SP to to earn daily LIFESTYLE rewards from 20% PoD pool
  5. Lifestyle Miner (LM) & LIFESTYLE tokens available on Steem-Engine in very limited quantities. All sell orders will be burned or sold within 7 days
  7. Steem-Engine is currently setting up LifestylePeak and it will be launched shortly after this post

What kind of content do we support?

The #lifestyle motto = "Live & Share Your Best Life"

We only get one life. We're here to enjoy life and love the present moment while sharing it with our tribe & family on Steem.

Content that you can expect to create, curate and enjoy on

  1. Food Blogs
  2. Life hacks
  3. Travel
  4. Hiking
  5. Photography
  6. Beer
  7. Wine
  8. Grilling
  9. Kayaking
  10. Sunshine and Sunsets
  11. Taking Your Dog for a Walk
  12. ...

Just think: what do you do in life that you enjoy most? What makes you smile in the present moment and love the feeling of just being alive.

That’s what #lifestyle is all about. It’s about closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and just soaking in the present moment. Living life to the fullest can be done anywhere and anytime.

Leave the serious posts for other communities. The talk of Steem, crypto and all your investments. The communities that support those topics are awesome and your serious content belongs there. We want you and others to come to to see beauty and leisure. To laugh and have fun. To be passionate and explore all that life has to offer.

We only get one life, let's make it the best it can be.

We were trying to learn how to create a tribe and @khaleelkazi (founder of the Steemleo community) graciously answered a bunch of our questions. We finally realized that it may be a good idea to partner up with him and he has agreed to be both an investor and an advisor to our community. A massive shout out and thank you to him as this all wouldn’t be possible without his insights on creating a tribe.

We are proud to be the first tribe to be built in collaboration with the Steemleo LABS incubator initiative. They haven't officially announced the program yet, but without their help, we wouldn't have been able to launch the Lifestyle tribe!

Initial & Ongoing Distribution of LIFESTYLE Tokens:

We've seen a lot of tribes come out with some insane supply levels. They also have very high inflation rates which leads to continual dumping of thousands of tokens each day.

Rather than do that, we decided to make LIFESTYLE a more coveted asset. We have one of the lowest inflation pools of any tribe (maybe even the lowest). This means less dumping and more life!

Initial Supply 5,000,000:

  • Slow-Drop: 300,000 (distributed slowly over a 6 month period of time via raindrops + small, targeted airdrops. More details below)
  • Sell-Drop: 200,000
  • Bounty Fund: 2M
  • Team: 1.5M
  • Community Moderation: 1M (nostyle4u -- only used to downvote abuse)

40-40-20 PoB, PoM and PoD:

LIFESTYLE tokens are distributed in 3 ways:

  1. Proof of Brain (PoB) - (40%)
  2. Proof of Mining (PoM) - (40%)
  3. Proof of Delegation (PoD) - (20%)

Proof of Brain is what we all know and love here on Steem. Make content, curate content, etc. and earn tokens.

Proof of Mining is distributed through the Lifestyle Miner (LM) tokens.

Proof of Delegation is distributed to STEEM POWER delegators to the account.

The native SP held in the account also earns from the PoD pool and and will automatically send earned tokens to NULL and burn them to offset inflation. The more our native SP grows, the more tokens we burn each day.

Delegation rewards will be paid out to delegators every 24 hours based on how much SP they are delegating. If you'd like to calculate how much you can expect to earn each day from your delegation, use the following equation:

daily PoD pool / (total SP in / 1,000)

Example daily earnings for a 1,000 SP delegation when the total SP is 100,000:

258.624 / (100,000 / 1,000) = 2.58624 LIFESTYLE per day

you can find the daily PoD pool number by dividing the yearly PoD inflation seen in the chart below by 365

Inflation Pool Details:

If you're interested in all the nitty gritty details of our inflation pool, then check out this awesome chart created by the LABS team at Steemleo!

Our inflation pool is a total of 471,989 LIFESTYLE for the first year. As you can see in the first yellow column, 40% of that goes to Proof of Brain. 40% of that goes to Proof of Mining and then the remaining 20% is distributed through Proof of Delegation to SP delegators on the account.

Airdropping LIFESTYLE Tokens — Slow-Drop + Sell-Drop:

We've evaluated all the various ways that other tribes have airdropped their tokens. After doing that, we realized that airdroping hundreds of thousands of tokens in 1 day typically creates a crazy spur of dumping on the market.

So rather than do that, we're going to slowly airdrop tokens over a period of 6 months in VERY SMALL quantities to various groups of users.

We have a few different ways that we're calculating airdrops. We won't give out the exact equations we're using, but we will often use a multpilier based on LIFESTYLE already staked by an account.

For example, we may airdrop a tiny amount of tokens to LEO stakeholders over the next 6 months, but the amount of LIFESTYLE airdropped will be higher depending on a few different factors:

  1. Lifestyle already staked
  2. Activity in the #lifestyle community
  3. Curation activities
  4. etc.

In addition to slow-drops over the next 6 months, we've created a few sell orders on the Steem-Engine market. We call this a sell-drop as these tokens are available in a very limited quantity and there will be no more sell orders once these are either filled or 7 days after launch when anything remaining will be burned permanently. More details in the chart below where you can see the sell-drop alongside the miners.

Lifestyle Miner:

The Lifestyle Miner (LM) token can be staked and used to passively earn LIFESTYLE tokens. 40% of the inflation pool goes to the miners and there are 75 winning miners each hour.

We've seen a lot of various tribes launch mining tokens and it's often hard to earn any sort of payout. By having 40% of the inflation pool designated to the miners as well as 75 winning miners per hour (compared to the average 20 winners by most tribes), we expect that more miners will receive more frequent payouts.

The miners are also in a VERY Limited quantity. You can see the specifics in the chart that follows. Additionally, any miners that aren't sold within the next 7 days will be burned permanently from the supply and NO MORE MINER SALES will , be available. This means that after 7 days, the only way to get miners will be on the open market from other users.

A lot of people tend to ask tribes what they will do with miner sales & token sales. is powering up all the STEEM raised from the miners + tokens and will use this STEEM POWER (as well as the SP delegated to us through PoD) to reward #lifestyle content and community members!

Here's to Living & Sharing Your Best Life

Living your #lifestyle is about more than just grilling out or walking your dog or going on a hike or cracking open a nice cold beer.

It's about living your best life and enjoying the present moment. We hope that you join us in living life to the fullest each and every day by sharing your #lifestyle here on Steem!