
My Project.hope Post Review (Episode 17)

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2 min read

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my 17th Episode of my project hope review, the essence of this post is to select three post which caught the attention of the writer. The write is meant to leave comments on the post they selected, thereby improving communication on a post.

@project.hope has been a community for user who share the same vision and interest in blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, robotics, solar energy, automatization, virtual reality, economy, psychology and augmented reality.

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Let's kick the ball rolling.

Top Three Project hope Posts.

Image from @valchiz post.

No 1 Boost Your Business/Brand By Getting Attention - @valchiz

The post looks at the act of sales and customers in a business. It is true that a business without a customer is going to fail but one that has customers won't. @valchiz emphasised on getting customers in a business.

You could read this post by @valchiz, it is one post for every business owner or prospective business owner.


image from @futurekr post

No 2 The SpaceX and Blue Origin Space Race Comparison - @futurekr

The last ten years has been a decade for space race and we must attest to the fact that there are two private space companies among others that have been competitors which is SpaceX and Blue Origin. You should read this post to understand their success, and future works and why the owners have been at loggerheads.

You should read the post and give your opinions and thoughts.


image from @frederickbangs post

No 3 My Words on Ray Dalio’s Call for Lost Decade -@frederickbangs

This post looks into Ray Dalio’s Predictions about the stock market staying low for up to 10years before coming back to the position it was before the pandemic. You should read this post and leave valuable comments.

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