
Weekly WenSoon (LeoFinance AMA) Recap - 5/30/23

avatar of @scaredycatguide
1 min read

After a week away the cat is back! I have Khal giving us all the latest UI updates for leofinance and I gave all my opinions on the long form experience cus we all know I'm an old school blogger!

Lions and Threads, Oh My!

UI Updates

Long Form new Editor is here - and this cat loves how seamless it is to create posts now.

Still a bug here or there but otherwise so much better. Remember, submit bugs to the bug fix channel in discord.

Community Polls - Polls are working wonders, 21 communities still thriving and decentralized voting the author of the week. Pretty cool!

Payout Display - if you hover over the payout display it will give you a breakdown of it.

Leo Curation

The curation update seems to be working well as there is more defined actions on how to have a chance at getting upvotes from the leo acct.

The details are listed here on how to best go about it:

Thread Storms!

Are lions have been getting more active, with a hell of a threadstorm a week ago as you can see the number of lions remains solid while the activity increases.

And so much more...

But you gotta watch the replay if you want it all as cat can't type that fast!

Here is the reply to hunt for the keyword!

Hint: if it sometime after the leofinance updates segment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha