
Leading by example - Leader of the Pack [ENG-ESP]

avatar of @tsunsica
3 min read

Hello there! This drawing represents the leader of the pack, leading the way guiding the other lions. The first part I did also during yesterday power outage, just like my previous LPUD lion. I saw it as a family, I know lions have a pack structure that is complex and most of them are female, so I decided to add a lioness too.

隆Hola! Este dibujo representa al l铆der de la manada, marcando el camino guiando a los dem谩s leones. La primera parte la hice tambi茅n durante el apag贸n de ayer, al igual que mi anterior le贸n LPUD. Lo vi como una familia, s茅 que los leones tienen una estructura de manada que es compleja y la mayor铆a son hembras, as铆 que decid铆 a帽adir una leona tambi茅n.

This drawing was very dirty so I took my time on cleaning the lines. Then I started the coloring. A different shade for each lion. This first part allowed me to see how they really look and I was not happy but didn't know what to change exactly. Well, the male lion's face for sure. The dimensions were also a bit off, but I continued the coloring and background before addressing those issues because I'm kinda crazy.

Este dibujo estaba muy sucio, as铆 que me tom茅 mi tiempo para limpiar las l铆neas. Luego empec茅 a colorear. Un tono diferente para cada le贸n. Esta primera parte me permiti贸 ver c贸mo eran realmente y no estaba contenta pero no sab铆a qu茅 cambiar exactamente. Sobre todo la cara del le贸n macho. Las dimensiones tambi茅n estaban un poco mal, pero contin茅 con el coloreado y el fondo antes de abordar esas cuestiones porque estoy un poco loca.

The background has the Leo Finance text, this time I kept the orange because it felt like The Lion King palette. I also draw a path for them all to walk, and a few more lions in the way of silhouettes, because only 3 were to little for a pack but detailing all of them made the image looks too heavy.

I took away the male lion because I couldn't stand his weird face, until I came up with a better expression. The added more details and texture.

El fondo tiene el texto de Leo Finance, esta vez mantuve el naranja porque se sent铆a como la paleta de El Rey Le贸n. Tambien dibuje un camino para que todos caminaran, y unos cuantos leones mas en forma de siluetas, porque solo 3 eran pocos para una manada pero detallarlos a todos hacia que la imagen se viera muy pesada.

Quit茅 al le贸n macho porque no soportaba su cara rara, hasta que se me ocurri贸 una expresi贸n mejor. Despu茅s a帽ad铆 m谩s detalles y textura.

Finally I got to my final version. Now the lion has a better face, it even looks happy to be there. And he has a crown because he did Leo Power Up last time and became a king. I hope you like it, see you on the next drawing!

Por fin he llegado a mi veri贸n final. Ahora el le贸n tiene mejor cara, incluso parece feliz de estar ah铆. Y tiene una corona porque la 煤ltima vez hizo Leo Power Up y se convirti贸 en rey. Espero que les guste, 隆nos vemos en el pr贸ximo dibujo!

Espero les haya gustado, hasta la pr贸xima publicaci贸n

Muchas gracias por leer

Hope you liked it, until the next time

Thanks for reading

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