
Losing face and a simple Lesson for Justin Sun

avatar of @tarazkp
3 min read

“Reputation is what strangers think of you and character is what your friends know you are” _Ricky Gervais

Has anyone heard from Justin Sun's friends, because all us strangers think he is crazy AF. I wonder if behind closed doors with his close circle, he is thoughtful, measured and zen - because on social media, that dude is a nutter!

I personally don't think that much about my reputation, but for a public person who's industry is a volatile and highly tradeable asset class that rides on sentiment - After the last few days and weeks, does anyone have any faith in the way he conducts himself and his business? If I was deep in Tron, I might have to consider my position.

You have likely seen this already:

So, Binance is finally hitting the Power Down button, something they only just learned about. It seems that the Tron Team has failed to mention one or two things about the way Steem operates - but then, they don't seem to know much about it themselves.

This move from CZ was instigated after Justin Sun Tweeted out year-old "evidence" from Github of a proposal that was put forward by a single user to cause drama.

I wonder how much damage has this whole "Steem Situation" (Tarantino-esque) had on his reputation in his industry and within his circles? He is currently the Mel Gibson of crypto. Yet, there is no backing down, just doubling-down, in a Trump-like refusal to admit to any wrong doing - Or... Shaggy...

Will he get away with it or is it going to cost him? What I wonder is, was it worth it? He obviously has a very large ego on him and as a result, can't bring himself to accept failure - but is he really willing to take a heavy loss over this in his other projects? It does seem that at least some of the relationships he might have been nurturing the last few years could be wearing thin and with Tron's market cap being around 1.3 Billion, will it take a hit? Is it worth even risking?

Maybe it is the trader's dilemma where one doesn't want to sell below buying price, even if the loss could be made up by selling lower and then buying the dip which is lower again, or moving into another project. One thing seems rock-solid now, Justin Sun is going to remember Steem - yet they are unlikely to be fond memories and it could be the type of thing like at the end of a Scooby Doo episode when they catch the crook,

"And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids Steemians!"

And he is pretty crooked it seems, as it seems quite obvious that he has either the worst fact-checkers in the world, or he really doesn't mind lying publicly and privately in order to get his way. They obviously didn't tell CZ and Binance the full story, and he sure as hell hasn't held back on the little white black as night lies when it has come to the communication to the Steem community and witnesses. It almost seems pathological.

Now, this is the thing about reputation and like the quote above, I do not know Justin Sun if he came up and asked me, "Do you like Justin Sun, or you just want to fuck him?" In fact, due to the usage of third-person, I would suspect that it wasn't Justin Sun talking. My point is, I am a stranger in Justin Sun's world and I only know of him what I have come to know in the last few weeks from observing his actions and listening to what he has to say.

Change my mind Justin.

I am guessing that it isn't going to be through a removal of the dummy witnesses, an earnest attempt to make amends through investment and development and a humble public apology to the Steem community.

You know my philosophy for life and on Steem, but I will reiterate it just in case @justinsunsteemit happens upon this post and wants to learn something.

Don't be a dick.

So far Justin, you have failed heavily in this regard.

Taraz [ a Steem original ]