
Steem Being Used For Everyday Purchases Is Could be Closer Than You Think!

avatar of @waphilip
2 min read

Just Adding Fuel To The Rocket!

A new bill was proposed in the U.S last Thursday called the "Virtual Currency Fairness Act ", which would essentially streamline commerce in the crypto community space. This bill seeks to make any purchase with crypto an un-taxable event, as long as the capital gains accrued is less than $200!

That means that all of the Steem we earn on the Steem blockchain can be spent without the hassle of calculating the exact price you acquired and sold your steem at. This will of course make it easier to one many crypto debit cards without having to keep a spread sheet on hand and of course solidify the legitimacy of Bitcoin. The only issue is that nobody want's to be that guy who spent X amount of BTC buying a video game when it could be worth 10X more in the near future!

That's where Steem comes in, which you could argue has an even higher potential for regret because of our incredible upside. The difference is that the everyday person is able to earn Steem, as well as future SMT's which will all be packaged with communities!

Even though earning actual Steem will continue to get harder, the dollar value an individual can earn is still relevant as our upvotes are worth more as the price increases. Steem will change from an opportunity to acquire life changing wealth, to a way to help pay for your weekends, which will be great motivation for the minnows and baby dolphins of the future!

Any way you look at it, this bill will be bullish for the whole crypto space, but even more of a catalyst for Steem!