
Steem Price and market situations

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Steem market and price situations

![]( [source]( Steem price is facing very hardship a day due to many reasons behind it. i want to tell you many reasons on the one place

1 bitmax trading on bitcoin. which making bitcoin volatile and most crypto holders are interested in margin trading they are leaving slow money in alt market. 2 Steem top leadership is been hidden or left steem they hire a marking girl but its not enough 3 There is big delay in hardfork and specially smart media token economy to launch 4 Frustration of holding steem for less reward people are getting more opportunities from other crypto world 5 There is lack of concern of steem team to re invest and make price of steem stable 6 Steem Holders specially whales and witness are selling their stocks on cheap and blaming all on bots 7 Too many bots many steem less valuable people get money by paying money 8 Google adsense reward from steemit is not been used to boost steem price which is bad 9 Steem holders are selling their coins on cheap making it more valueless

Now what steem team should do to make steem great again

1 BLock all profit which is coming from bots 2 Instead of self work pay more reward and bonus for those who upvote randome for example 1 person upvote 100+ accounts in a month will get more reward compare to a person who upvote only selected accounts per month 3 Burn some steem supply which is too high and creating a inflation 4 Steemit is getting reward from adsense should spend on steem marketing through social media and google advertisement network to engage more community to steem 5 make steem signup process easy and instant and give some free RC credit 6 Block a spammer Rc credit for specifit period so they they can get money less out and keep steem stable. 7 Instead of empowering bots launch a sponsor service of posts pay btc and get your post ranked on steemit then use this btc donation to rebuy steem coin so make steem stable.