
AskLeo - Are NFTs in "A Bubble" or "The Bubble"?

avatar of @acesontop
2 min read

2017 had the ICO hype that got all sort of projects, that were basically doing or solving nothing for the world of crypto, millions upon millions in presales and token selling and we could call NFTs the new hype for this cycle, after DEFI. At least the way I see it.

Mike Winkelmann, the digital artist known as Beeple sold his digital art collection named “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” for $69.3 million. That's a lot of money. That's a whole lot of money for some art that I consider crap to be honest, or that I probably don't understand... Any of the cases might be right.

There's people all over this space tokenizing almost everything in the form of NFTs nowadays from socks to tweets and some do sell quite good. Mike Winkelmann himself considers this NFT craze a bubble though and I subscribe to that. It's a bubble from the valuation of such non fungible tokens point of view not from the concept perspective.

I still believe that we will at one point live in a world where almost anything will be tokenized, it's inevitable, but not to the point where some form of digital art is selling for close to $70 million. That's just speculative bubble territory imo and it's almost half of the total marketcap of HIVE... Lets be serious.

The concept is here and the digitization and tokenization of almost everything is no longer an if, but a when. However, the way we currently perceive and evaluate these types of assets is screaming bubble. The hype attracts participants though and that's a good thing, but much of this hype will deflate over the course of a few months.

Nevertheless the concept is here to stay and it's somehow a proof that the whole crypto ecosystem is maturing with every cycle as every cycle's hype seems to be having a grain of substance in it that solidifies in something sustainable over time. I do believe that NFTs will solidify in something over the years, but for the moment... bubbly bubble.

What about you, how do you perceive NFTs at the moment, have you created anything that you plan on selling as NFT and do you consider NFTs in a bubble right now? Considering you were a billionaire would you pay $70 million for Beeple's NFTs?...

I believe that these prices are pure speculation and many of the investors paying astronomic amounts for anything of this sort will never see their investment back on these. AND I wish Justin Sun would have won the auction for Beeple's NFTs, he would definitely deserve such a cheap masterpiece.

Thanks for attention, Adrian

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