
a verified Twitter account is saying the white house set up a coinbase account to accelerate stimulus delivery with BTC? hah cant find anything but it has 3K likes

1 min read

Honestly this may be a fake it till you make it self fulfullfilling fake news but hey hes going for it!

but cheering for the economy after china installed a Manchurian candidate seems like treason and making ANY money in America right now off its political rape seems like it would be all taken away by God or Karma etc lol

people are all supporting it like its real news

"I think thats a great decision because blah blkah:

or others saying mindless shit like "I commend President Biden's Decision to accelerate innovation and efficiency in crypto payments" so fuckin lame , its not even real news and theyre just fawning over it , disgusting crypto communists

ALSO WTF @banjo from @inertia shows up in these comments lol wtffff

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