
1 min read

Its iresponsible to NOT take out as many loans from as many sources a spossible, because fiat is a scam, and bitcoin is the future, and if you cant accept that dont try to parrot the advice of our LITERALLY DYRING parents and grandparnbets, who are LITERALLY being executed en mass by a holocaust that, like the ww2 holocaust, was and is and will always be DENIED

they deny they are locking peopel in their houses to die, its happening and , no one in china died of any virus, they died of starvation and the government went around telling people they could survive just fine without food and wayter, it was a virus killing them

this world is a joke

if theer wa s areal viral outbreak the us military would have already shut down everything for real, including the actual roads and airports, like on 9/11

we dont actually see this .

so yeah just sayin, they tell us to NOT take out loans when you literaly cant get in any troubvle for not paying it back if you cant, so who cares? Debters prisons were outlawed

dont tell peopel to avoid bitcoin

vitalik said not to get a loan to get ethereum because he doesnt actually believe in his own scam

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