
Change of plans

avatar of @alexvan
2 min read


two weeks ago, I've made a post where I wrote that I want to stake all my rewards that I'm getting to reach my target.

After two very busy weeks, where the workload is very high, I need to have a small change of plans. Every Monday, I will gather the gained LEOs and will change them into bLEOs, as the yield on them is much higher than staking on Hive.

Even with the price drop from the past days, the fees for transfer, and LP staking, it is still more profitable to hold them as bLEOs in the liquidity pool and farm. In two months, without compounding, given that there is a higher value than $200 staked on, it is more profitable than keeping it on the chain for a year, and has the bonus of being passive.

I will not power down and will continue to buy LEO miners or even LEO with the liquid rewards, as I think that Hive and has a bright future, maybe brighter than I can imagine. I'm only doing it to fuel my financial growth.

As the world restarts, the time that I'm having is much shorter, and tough decisions are to be made. One was this one, but the numbers pushes me to do it. It is not greed, it is common sense to step on the throttle pedal when there is this opportunity to do.

On Hive, my main goal will be to stake on the miners and for that I'm using the HBD gained.

I've seen a lot of powerdowns, which somehow I understand, but this I won't do, at least for the moment, as we are on a proof of stake chain. We see that the bigger guys still have a good influence on the community and this is done by sharing the love with their stake.

So, what do you do? Do you use the opportunity? Or are not interested in it?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta