
IOHK brings the blockchain tech to Ethiopia's education system

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2 min read


just yesterday I wrote a post that can be read in here,, about how crypto can change the world.

Today, I've read some news about IOHK, a blockchain research firm, that utilizes Cardano as a base, started a partnership with the government of Ethiopia, to use Atala Prism ID, the decentralized ID verification on Cardano, to build a blockchain for teachers and students and track their progress.

Ethiopia has done a tremendous effort in the past 20 years, where now they managed to have 100% school enrolment. This has been done with some effort, where school is mandatory for kids between 7 and 12 and school is free for every level. Ethiopia has a very young population and the only way to make the country grow is by education.

Using a blockchain for students data, can only boost its education system performance. It can identify the high performing schools and the low performing ones very fast by the available data, that can't be manipulated.

As it is a public system, every change, every tweak can be measured and the impact is seen much earlier than on the old data collecting method.

It does not have to disclose IDs, it can only measure metrics that have an influence on the education of the group. It is genius as already said, Ethiopia is a very young country and having an educated workforce it is gold worth.

Blockchain can help in so many ways, education being one of the most important. Of course not all fields are suited for blockchain, but when I add crypto to it, I might change my mind.

I would probably add some form of token distribution as a scholarship, especially in poorer countries, where the kids can spend it only for food at school, learning materials, school uniforms, books and other school related stuff. If it is a public system it is easier to implement and a lot of costs can be cut and redirected to the stuff described above. The token shall have its limitation and be used only education related stuff and food in school.

This would be an interesting way to boost education and do financial education with the help of crypto. I'm for free basic education for the masses as if we rise everyone to a certain level, that area will behave a lot better compared to the ones in darkness.

Crypto and blockchain can definitely boost education and by this the development, bringing abundance in places where a generation ago, people could not even dream about it.

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