
Is the Blockchain Anonymity Era Over?

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2 min read

Whats On The Blockchain Stays On The Blockchain and it is Transparent

The idea of anonymity and immutability is one of the selling point of any crypto project just like what Bitcoin wants to achieve from the day it was born. With blockchain and crypto you can send digital currencies without knowing he person you are sending to, and without the needs of revealing our identity either. As we are only identified with a string of numbers from our wallet address.


It Might Be Over

Well that privileged might be over soon, because recently a Swedish-Russian Citizen were charged by the US government for operating a multi-million Bitcoin mixer. And what more shocking is because the authority manage to caught him after analyzing data from 10 Years Ago.

The Swedish-Russian, Roman Sterlingov was arrested on the April 27th in LA, allegedly he was working as the website administrator when they offering the service to mix the transaction of its client. The Authority manage to him track down using the data from 10 years ago, even a data from the famous Liberty reserve and also the collapsing first bitcoin Exchange Mt.GOX.


With the tools that they have, will the anonymity of the blockchain and crypto will only be a legend in the future? or they can easily look into your wallet address and then send you the tax you need to pay in the future? even from the transaction you have made decades ago.

source Should we really worry about it? I understand that with the key in our hands they can't freeze and take your fund away from you. But if they are able to find the evidence, then they will be able to put us behind bars. Looks like the transparent nature of blockchain, can be a double edge swords for some of us.

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