
avatar of @amr008
1 min read

so I guess an APR of around 10-25%.

I was thinking the same . The BRO holders right now get 20% APR so even BroFi may end up doing the same is that I feel .

However I am unsure so what is the curation APR of each token versus the these APR?

This is an interesting question , if I have to calculate this I will have to calculate based on each token because I am not sure how many of the tokens have linear , how many have non-linear curation first but it will be an interesting calculation .

When I calculated last time for LEO , it was 15% . So I guess for all other linear curation it will be around 15-17% itself .

CTP when it was non-linear was 12-13% ( if you voted using full VP 10 votes ) .

So right now the returns are definitely more .

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