
PolyCub News and PRs in mid-size outlets - Continuity is key

avatar of @anomadsoul
4 min read

Let's say you are a normie with 10,000 bucks that just came out of your severance paycheck after working for 15 years in a company. Last time you left a company you used the severance money to go to Vegas and well, you learned your lesson, you are looking to buy invest this time, but not in the stock market because you heard that is rigged and there are too middle man fees so, you start venturing in crypto.

You saw the name PolyCub one time when you were browsing one of the big crypto websites, you can't remember if it was while browsing the CoinTelegraph website or if it was while you were looking for cool podcasts to listen about crypto and you saw's latest episode name or if it was during that late night DYOR session that you saw a glimpse of the name while scrolling down the news section of BeInCrypto, this major news outlet in Europe.

In fact, you don't even know you remember the name "PolyCub". You just saw it mentioned or you read it while researching for more important, respected, and established coins that you can invest in, something that still has a lot of gains potential but that is already popular and mainstream so that you don't get rugpulled - you obviously don't understand yet that in 99% of the cases, this is an oxymoron by itself.

You even feel like you are already part of the crypto biz because you know terms like rugpull and moon.

A few days ago when you were looking for crypto advice and expertise in the form of short bursts of fun and interesting information, so you you went on Twitter. You have no idea where you've read the name *PolyCub before, but this quirky, smart crypto influencer just interviewed the founder! The token name rings a bell so you open the tweeet and you see it has a lot of engagement so, you decide to open click on the link, it's a 17 minute embededed interview so your attention span is not that threatened... you start watching the vid.

By the way if your attention span hasn't failed you and you are still reading this post, go [retweet the tweet]( and [like the youtube video](

Anyway, you last 10 minutes watching it and you think the founder is cool and the project looks amazing, but I mean it's a new thing and you don't do good with new things.

You can't get the idea out of your head. Where did you hear about PolyCub and why did it ran a bell when you saw the cool girl on Twitter talk about it? You decide to now google - of course you use google, you haven't even heard of duck-duck-go and there's no way you can imagine that something like MetaGer, Quant or SqissCows - the project and see what it is about and damn...

Ok fair, at least the first result is related to the token even though google thinks you meant polycab. Oh look, CoinMarketCap has the token listed, and also CoinGecko! Ok, we're getting somewhere. And this LeoFinance and BeInCrypto wrote an article about the token, that should be good isn't it?

Apparently it also has a website, but you don't want to click anything just yet. You read in a DYOR article that you should at least browse the first three pages of any search engine result and not just stick with the first one.

You click on the second page knowing that you won't reach the third one if you don't find anything that convinces you that PolyCub is the real deal - you might not even open any link because for you (and 99% of the crypto world and the world in general) researching means reading headlines - and you'll know if you want to buy it.

Holy shit, the second page has a lot of PolyCub listings, seems like everyone has listed Polycub already damn, you change your mind and decide to go into the third page of results despite all your instincts telling you to go play Elden Ring already and you find that there are several news outlets talking about PolyCub.

This token is a sure buy, isn't it?

The inner dialogue between conservative you that wants to buy Walmart shares and innovative you that wants to go all in on this leverage trading 100x you heard about, starts reaching a middle ground and this pcub token sounds like the sound option.

But you just want to wait a little bit more until you go all in with your severance pay that is all the money you have to spare.

You'll see what happens this week, right now is the weekend and you want to have some beers.

End of story.

Don't worry, I believe there are still some things in line from PolyCub for this week to come, rest assured we will close this sale process with you and tons of other people who are still on the line about buying PolyCub.

But right now, we need the help of the LeoFinance and the Hive community in general... there are tons of articles out there, but these three could use your buzz powers whether they come in the form of Tweets, comments, shares, clicks... anything that can increase their SEO and they show up higher on the search engine's results...


Are you convinced about PolyCub yet? Either way, join the LeoFinance community on Discord, if you are convinced we'll welcome you with open arms, if you aren't convinced, we'll convince you and then welcome you with open arms :P

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