
Why I am Investing in Gold?

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2 min read


Yesterday I wrote this post where I talked about how I like to collect precious metals and how I have developed a method of buying Gold every single month on a regular basis. So today I am going to talk about why I am buying Gold every month even though I have repeatedly said in the past that I don't like Gold a lot. Yes, the obvious choice is to hold an asset that can potentially provide good returns for me later down the road as well as provide me some Hedge against all the other Volatile Assets I hold. But there is another reason that is kind of the key reason why I got into Buying Gold.

It's Because I am a Bengali and we Love Gold

I know for a fact that when it comes to wedding season there will be a huge Gold Rush as almost everyone makes Gold Jewelerrey at the time of weddings. So in my mind, I had a thought which said that what if I buy Gold every single month regarding its price and just hold.

Best case scenario Gold goes Parabolic and I get a crazy Return on my Investment and worst-case Scenario I can sell the same gold and buy Gold Jewelry which in our Marriage Customs we do have to give others sometimes. Either way, I am not losing anything as if I don't invest in Gold now I will obviously have to Buy Gold when it comes to Marriages so why not now. I know the reason might look lame for some of you guys but trust me I have seen the panic in some people's eyes when they have to buy Gold Jewelry for the Marriage Ceremony and the price goes double or triple.

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