
A Man Doing His Best is Already a Success

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3 min read

We are all looking for success in this life. But many people have not properly defined success. I can't tell you how often I hear about people talking about success in terms of:

  1. What kind of car you have
  2. How big your house is
  3. How much money you have in the bank

These are financial successes. They have no bearing on mental, emotional or creative success. I'm not saying that these are bad things but I am saying that they are only a piece of the puzzle.

True success can be achieved today.

You can literally be successful right now. Yeah you. You reading this on your computer or you reading this on your iPhone at the park. You can be a success RIGHT NOW.

How to Be Successful Right Now

Being successful means doing your best. It means showing up and putting in the maximum amount of effort that you can.

The funny thing about life is that we all know what doing our best means. You don't need any way to measure what doing your best looks like.

You know it. You know what doing your best looks like. Nobody needs to tell you. Nobody needs to score it for you. It's something that you live with in your mind.

One of the issues that plagues modern society is that we know that we're not reaching our true potential but we are taught to just follow the rules in school. We're taught to get "good grades".

We're Taught to Be Scored

We're taught to be scored. In school. They teach you that your worth is measured by what score you're given by your superior (Teacher).

This is absolute bullshit. Nobody can score you in life. Nobody can tell you if you're successful in life.

Bill gates. A monk sitting in a temple. A middle-class man supporting his family.

All 3 of these people are in very different places in life. From a financial perspective, they represent 3 different hierarchies.

BUT... All 3 of them have something in common. Can you guess what it is?

They are all successful.

Bill gates is successfully one of the richest men in the world. He's doing his best to achieve his mission of philanthropy.

The monk sitting in the temple is successfully who he wants to be in life. He is helping people who come to the temple to the best of his ability.

The middle-class man is successfully supporting his family. He is going to work each day, performing his best and putting food on the table while giving his family everything they need to not only survive but thrive in this world.

Success is something you choose. You choose it by showing up TODAY and doing your best. You choose it by showing up TOMORROW and doing your best.

Always do your best and you will always be a success.

My name is Asteroids - well, that's my Hive name, anyways. I believe firmly in the future of Web3 technology and its potential to reshape our lives. I'm a serial entrepreneur and my aim in life is to always evolve and find new ways to leverage technology in my life.

As I continue to build things, I find new and important wisdom in all sorts of places. My goal here on Hive is simply to share that wisdom so that you can improve as well.

Working is as much about building good habits as it is about doing the actual work. Remembering this on a daily basis has changed my life for the better.

Until next time,


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