
For some people working is more than just income

avatar of @bala41288
3 min read

Have you noticed this in people? I have seen this a lot. But I did not understand the seriousness of this until I realized my father was also under this category. Some people are workaholics and they cannot live a peaceful life if they don't do any work. Some people would like to continue working as long as they have strength in their bodies. Some people might think that only if they stop working they will get old soon and lose their energy. People have different thoughts on this topic and many people consider working as one of their day-to-day routines and they cannot live without that.

I was initially thinking people might have salary or income as their first preference when it comes to working. But mostly it is all convenience. I realized it from my own experience. When I looked at my friends there are a few people who keep switching jobs for higher pay. They also get good pay but at the same time, they are good at adapting to new environments. In my case, I did a self-analysis and found out that I'm in a very comfortable environment and I did not want to switch jobs because I don't want to get out of this comfort zone. There are so many people who get paid two times my salary and it is also very common for someone with my experience. But then I thought for me where I work and how I work matter more than the salary.


Maybe that thought can change if I switch to some other job but I realized that I do have a preference and want things to be comfortable for me. This is also a thought for many people. They want to continue working in the same job even though there are other opportunities that can be explored. Safety and security are an important criteria when it comes to a job more than the salary. There have been situations where people suddenly lose their job and imagine not getting any income next month. This is a major problem, right? We will not be able to run our families without a proper consistent income. This is the biggest fear for most of people and that's also one of the reasons why people don't want to try other jobs and other opportunities.

Some people think that they want to continue working till the end of their life. These are some ethics that can be seen in many places. People love their job so much and they would like to die when they are working and they also consider that as the biggest pride. When it comes to retirement, only some people have a plan as to how their retirement life should be. People usually find it hard to make retirement plans if they don't have any ambition or any big desire in their life. That's why they continue to work even after their retirement. When my father is over 60 years and last year when he was severely affected by Covid, I asked him to quit his job and live a peaceful life. He was able to manage only for 4 days, after that he decided to go back to his office. I remember when he was sick in the hospital, the only thing that revived him was the fact that he had so much work to do in his office and he wanted to recover faster so that he can get back to the office and work.

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