
Splinterlands - Validator Node License Rewards

avatar of @bala41288
2 min read

Yesterday Splinterlands announced that they are going to distribute rewards to the License holders. Initially, the presale was very good and within a span of one hour so many Licenses were sold off. But the problem was people end up waiting till the end of 4th quarter to get some rewards for their investment. The money that was invested till then is just going to be idle and not give any rewards to the investors.

This is something that concerned many people and people had discussions with the team members. After getting some feedback from the investors, the Splinterlands team in their post yesterday confirmed that they will start distributing Voucher rewards for the License holders. Based on the number of people holding the license the Vouchers each one would get will vary. But I'm glad that the drop is happening soon. They mentioned in their post that the development work for this is already done and they are close to releasing this.


In addition to this, there was also another mention about the SPS rewards for the License holders. Initially, it was planned to go live only after the nodes start operating. But it appears that they are not going to wait till the end of the year for nodes to go live and the rewards will start after the month of August. This is good news. I'm not sure how the distribution will be and will it have any impact on the SPS circulation and price or not. But the good thing I see here is the fact that people don't have to keep their investments idle. Some people even sold their Licenses cheap on Hive Engine not having the patience to wait till the drop happens. There are still people who would like to purchase more Licenses from the market. The first Presale is over and the Trancne 1 is happening right now which is the next sale after the presale.

I personally thought if these many License tokens were necessary or not. But one thing is for sure. When the sale continues to happen, people who bought the License earlier and as long as the circulation is less for the License, I believe the distribution will also be high and people who hold early might get more rewards. As the License count keeps increasing the rewards will keep reducing. I'm not sure how the price of SPS tokens will sustain in all these and when the price of SPS will start pumping.

So, what are your thoughts on the Validator Node License? Are you guys purchasing Licenses?

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