
The Insanity of the WEST has created a new world order!

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2 min read

What did you expect when you dilute your money supply, create ponzi scehemes left and right, outsource all of your productivity and labour, and start questioning if men or women are born men or women. You would think that this clown show we call the west had something to offer the world.

Well it does! We are exporting our own insanity and smart savy foe's who aren't 'good' people are taking advantage. Pretty much all governments on this planet are terrible for their constituents but that is just how the cookie always crumbles.

So what do we have here?

"Xi Jinping Fires Shot Heard Around the World"

"Here is what Putin and Xi agreed to in Moscow." The two leaders did not reveal any progress toward achieving peace in Ukraine.

That's from the New York Woke Times. Because everything they discussed is just about UKRAINE. It's laughable how much this insane administration along with it's crony allies like Canada, UK, and Australia do not see what is coming.

CHINA AND RUSSIA are planning to completely annihilate the Petro Dollars dominance. Even backstabbers like Saudi Arabia and Iran are on board with such a thing.

So I expect the BRICS ( Brazil, Russia, India, China ) will soon be adding many more letters to their acronyms. I expect a commodity based currency and it will be based more upon actual physical reserves besides the fluffy made up derivatives markets. Oh it's coming, and with every bank failure, every large bank consolidation the West grows closer and closer to a third world dictatorship which cares nothing for it's own citizens. At least we pretend it cares about it's citizens.

Congratulations to the globalists. They have simply broken up the last vestige of freedom.

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