
To HODL or NOT to HODL that is the question!

avatar of @bearbear613
2 min read

We are fighting deflation at every corner. The economy was deflating by death of many small cuts; and then The China Virus thrusted the bubble like a machette! Quickly the world plastered and pressured the fissure. Deflationary forces are here to stay and they aren't getting any better.

We have millions out of work, businesses that will never come back. Yah Bear Bear sounds pretty bearish! Well that's because it is.

Don't let the illusions of control and manipulation sway you! In March of 2020 everyone was clamoring for the old Relic. Sure you could purchase it on the COMEX; but time and time again it has been proven to be manipulated by JP MORGAN and the like. If it's manipulated; it's important. Keep that in mind!

So that is what deflation looks like!

The spiggits will be turned on again and again. Perhaps that is why there is some Dollar Strength. I have been told time and time again when the Dollor goes up; Bitcoin and Gold Go down.

Sure doesn't look like BTC and alt's are suffering. Perhaps those bags are being inflated. In any case many times they don't want you looking where many things may be obvious. Don't ignore physical assets; even in an increasing digitized world. I will continue to stress this. BTC and ETH are amazing; too bad the internet is controlled by the same governments who control your electricity.

Would they be so desperate to pull the plug on their own economy?

No .. Never!!! They wouldn't do that! It would hurt them just as much as it hurts us!

Be careful people. Don't be a maximalists. We have some extremely perverse, greedy, and perhaps evil things going on. We just had a 'neighbhor' call the police because our business is open to the public. I politely told the Police Officer to fuck off. We are a medical supplier ;). They politely left without any 'tickets'. Nazi Germany is in Canada and things will get much worse before they get better.

Be your own central bank. Own many different assets. Crypto (on a ledger), Gold, Silver, Food, Protection, Land! Don't be stupid and put your eggs into only one basket. I will say this again and again. Your reality can change and adaptation will be necessary. That means you will need the required tools in the shed. Make sure each one is sharpened!

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