
Contemplating life and death

avatar of @belemo
2 min read

Let me start by apologising for the clickbait because this publication has nothing to do with life and death. The publication is actually about the new Zyriel summoner that will offer the unique advantage of being both a life and death Splinterlands asset.

Previously, we only had Dragon summoners that allowed users to combine two different elements. If you use a dragon summoner, you will be able to combine dragon monsters with monsters of any other element available to choose from.

The problem is that the dragon element has a limited number of assets to choose from and only a handful of them could actually make a difference in battle, anyway. Just as the name implies, Dragon element had a lot of Dragons and Dragon-esque firebreathers to ad to combine with other elements.

Back in the day, my favourite combination was dragon and life element. I enjoyed the mix of healing from life and raw firepower that dragons offered. When combined with a high mana dragon with snare, I could do a lot of damage for a long time.

The launch of Zyriel offers yet another way to combine monsters that have never been experienced in Splinterlands before. This summoner offers the special advantage of enabling players to use both life and death monsters for a single battle.

To buy or not to buy

Here's the thing; I'm actually not playing Spinterlands these days but at the same time, I would really hate to miss out on an opportunity to hold an asset that could be flipped for profit in the future.

At the time of writing, a Zyriel costs 80K Dec but one could get a discount through vouchers. Each voucher offers a discount of 250 DEC and from all indications, there's no limit to how many vouchers one can use to buy the legendary summoner. However, there is a limit to how many total Zyriel you can buy, currently standing at 25 per transaction.

Now, considering that I will not actually be playing ranked battles regularly, I figured that while getting Zyriel now will push me back like $60, I could just put it up for rent. In the long run, it will generate the amount I spent on it, even though it could take a while.

Alternatively, I could just patiently grind out the required amount from renting out my other assets but I reckon it will be bought out before I generate enough DEC. So, I guess I'll just have to take the risk and buy it with what I have in my wallet.

Another thing to note is that while it is a legendary monster, it is a lot more effective to get your legendary monster to level 2 or level 3, meaning I'll have to start plotting how to buy at least two more after getting the first one. For those two, I'll exercise a lot of patience and hope that all the available Zyriels haven't sold out by then.

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