
How Is Wealth Created and Stored The 7 Musts

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How Is Wealth Created and Stored The 7 Musts

Many people talk about passive income and building a nest egg. To them that's how you become wealthy and stay wealth. There's a fundamental flaw with this and it's a reason why most don't just invest in one asset. In fact for real wealth to both be created and then stored there's more to it and in this article I'm going to go over the 7 wealth creation and stored wealth systems there are.

1) Cash / Stable Coins

Yep cash or a stable coin backed cash like HBD, BUSD, Tether are etc are king during times like these. A recession that continues to become a LONG drawn out recessions that one might be able to class as a depression in a year or two. Mainly this asset is your first line of defense and it's more of a backdrop to allow you to keep going during hard times. It's going to keep you from stacking major credit card debt, high interest loans etc and allow you to stay afloat during those hard times with is massive value in itself. Secondly it's going to allow you to invest that money into other assets when markets turn south. Allowing you unique opportunities to buy stocks and other assets when they are at all time lows.

2) Equities (Stocks)

Stocks is one of the first things people think about when building wealth and creating wealth. Some with go with stock growth and others will go to dividend stocks. All of this over time if picked decently should grow and hold you above inflation. Owning stock is like owning a part of that company. It's a great way to build some wealth however this system is pretty rigged anymore.

3) Real Estate

Real estate investing is huge and it's normally one of the largest areas to get into for both wealth creation and wealth store of value. This is because these assets over time often hold a good hedge vs inflation and appreciate in value. Of course there are risks to this such as location etc. However this real-estate can be used to create passive income through renting and then selling the asset at a profit at a later date.

Most shy away from this as taking it on yourself can be a massive undertaking. However there are platforms that offer to do all the heavy lifting for you for a fee while you collect the asset appreciation and dividends from the rent. Places for example Fundrise.

4) Bonds

Bonds are becoming very popular. With the increasing Fed rate hikes and most likely another one along the way come next week bond yields are increasing dramatically. So much in fact other countries are starting to pour their own money into USDT Bonds. At the time of writing this U.S Treasury bonds are paying 4.53% on a one year bond.

5) Crypto Assets

Yep, Crypto is now a must have asset to building wealth. It comes with a ton of risk however so learn crypto and understand holding your own assets in your own wallet and how to optimize them from there. For example right here at #hive the stable coin HBD is currently offering a massive 20% APR rate and the Hive token is also a great passive income tool as well paying out around 10% in APR from doing daily curation and the 2.8% passivly for just having it sit powered up. Other strong assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum could also be great areas to focus and build on and remember to seek out those passive income streams with crypto while minimizing your risks the rewards are huge right now!

7) Your Own Business Or Private Equity

The last on the list is starting up your own business. I wouldn't recommend this for everyone but if you have a set of skills that people are willing to pay for and you can expand it then perhaps this could be a very good options for you. If not then venture on the path of Private equity. The first step here is becoming an accredited investor which gives you access to things like startups, getting in on the ground floor etc. However with this of course comes great reward but also greater risks. By the time you hit this mark though you should be decently street smart with your assets.

There you have it 7 ways to build asset wealth and keep that value beating out inflation and stacking wealth over time.

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