
Quality Onboarding Is Key To Growth For Both You and LeoFinance

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3 min read

If you haven't read it yet the onboarding report from LeoFinance just came out.

This provides a good snap shot as to how the growth of the platform is going.

The easier onboarding for sure has made a big difference in number of signs up. What was once 3 on average is now 10 on average. But it's still a far cry as to where we should be. Project Blank will help with this a bit however there needs to be seriously good onboarding.

What might seem like common knowledge to you someone brand new to how Hive and LeoFinance works are going to be quickly lost without some guidance. This is why In January I launched my own onboarding to build a list and also provide a quick 8 day onboarding guide to help people get familiar with the site and how to best use it.

What we are looking for is quality not quantity. Sure you have boost up 10,000 new sign ups a day but that's simply a vanity number and honestly means nothing. What matters is your active users on the platform and the only way they are going to become active is by providing the tools they need to get started easily, make onboarding and understanding of the platform as easy as possible with guidance and also to engage with them.

I'm sure we all remember that first vote we got that was worth $0.50 or more and that's the same thing in running your own business. That first sale you make sticks with you just like that first vote when you realize this really is possible!

Your Challenge Today and Every Day Moving Forward

I challenge you today to find at least one new good quality post on leo finance and vote/ comment on it. If we all did this just once a day this platform would be raging with even more activity. I get it though it takes time but remember as a Leo token holder yourself you really are a "stock" holder and you have the power to increase the value of that token by engaging with quality content and comments on others.

Other Easy Ways To Help

  1. Create your own onboarding or simply chat with people about LeoFinance who are already bloggers in the niche of stocks, finances and crypto.

  2. Feel free to use my own onboarding and graphics. They are free for you to use.
    Feel free to message me on discord via the brand new server I setup here

  3. Tweet your article after publishing it

  4. If you know SEO already consider doing some SEO with your article. Basic understanding of SEO can help drive some new traffic to the site. I wouldn't expect much of it to convert however ad revenue helps with the burn of Leo tokens and thus increases the value.

  5. Engage, Engage and Engage some more. I spend anywhere between a hour and sometimes 3+ hours depending on my workload for the day simply reading, voting and commenting on others posts and comments they leave on my posts. This is a powerful way to grow a following of active people and keep them engaged on the platform as well.


Seriously twitter is a honey pot for those interested in crypto and wanting to get off of centralized systems. They still heavily use twitter because they don't know of alternatives. It's going to take A LOT of work once project Blank launches in terms of engagement and man hours for all users. Remember to keep up quality posts and comments on the platform. Of course there will be spam but simply not interacting with it and only interacting to those providing quality and good comments is the most powerful way to build ProjectBlank.

I did have plans to create a Funnel to support this project however yet again simply not enough time in the day. So far however I have allotted Saturday to work on this project and nothing else in hopes of getting it done and sharing it all with you on Monday!

If you have ideas of your own please comment them below. I love brainstorming, hearing others viewpoints and ideas they have. It sparks creativity.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta