
avatar of @bitcoinflood
1 min read

Let's be honest here on a few things.

  1. NFTs do have a very good possibility to really cut out the middle man and help music artists as a new form of generating revenue without someone taking massive cuts of their profits.

  2. Yes, some bad shit will go down. Always does bad shit goes down with FIAT all the time NFTs and crypto no different so to say that is kind of a broken record.

  3. Almost all NFT marketplaces are regulated already so you're going to have to report it no matter what and you should be reporting your crypto anyways. I don't care how against the government someone is if you're not reporting it your breaking the law and risk fines if not more such as jail time.

There is still a huge place for NFTs fully regulated. NFTs when used correctly without shady ass people serve a huge purpose and honestly a wave of the future in terms of artist, music and many more implications which are still not even thought of.

I don't feel like money will fully dry up I believe it will slow down but as more legitimate sources come into the mix it's going to boom up again. You saw what happens with influences like Elon musk talk about dogecoin and bitcoin it sparks a rally. Now imagine that 100x as popular music artist start selling tickets, art, tracks etc.

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