
Why You Should Rarely If Ever Short Crypto

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4 min read

Why You Should Rarely If Ever Short Crypto

Cryptos a funny world in the way that it's world wide and the people involved with it to me are rather savvy. Heck I've been doing it and following it for over 11 years now which sounds almost crazy to even say it's been that long.

From a worthless token that no one cared about to a full blow world wide asset paving the way of many new innovative and good ways (and of course bad like with any asset) on how to use this new asset and what it means to the world.

You see with Crypto everyone has the power to shape the world for good or worse I just hope there are enough good people in the world to do good over bad.


Millions have been lost by investors for shorting crypto and I say GOOD!

What is a short?

A short is when you sell your crypto at a high price from borrow money and investments and attempt to buy it back after the price has crashed. It's like taking your 1 bitcoin today and selling it and waiting for it to crash from $60k to $30k and getting 2 bitcoin. It's pretty much betting against crypto and well I gotta say it's a bad move.


Crypto is still new, it's only hit mainstream in the last 2 years and this pump in value dwarfs the 2017 rally we al thought was huge. Prices have also stayed relatively high and the advancement of many things such as proof of ownership, play2earn, NFTs,

What makes me laugh are the clueless people that follow like sheep thinking crypto is some how using more energy than the traditional banking system. Or that NFTs have no value. Sure some are a pretty weird projects and some are scams. Isn't that the case with FIAT and artwork as well.

What gives something value is someone's willingness to exchange something for something else. So if I'm willing to give you $1 million for a single bitcoin that's it's value. If I'm willing to put in 40 hours a week of my time in exchange for a Bitcoin paycheck well that's value. It's something many don't understand and will eventually understand when it's far too late. Don't be naive.

We Are Seeing It Playout Right Now

The very sad and unfortunate events we are in right now with the Russian and Ukraine as horrible as they are an no good is coming of it. Seriously no place in the world we lie in today for such outright wars like that and still people getting bad information. In all of this madness we start to see the good in crypto.

Crypto is showing the possibilities of the world and why privacy and anonymity are so important and how it can clearly shape our future.

While millions have been reported sent to Ukraine to help in the fight vs Russia it begs the question of how effective this method is along with security.

Security wise I feel it's none the less as risky as fiat currency. However if an invading army gets those keys through any method (the weakest link is always the human factor in anything) they those funds could fall into hands you don't want them to.

Here's another interesting thing about crypto and what's going on that I feel many overlook. The amount in donations that have come in only 400k of that was in bitcoin and the rest was in Ethereum. I think that starts to show you the use cases of why you need a more powerful blockchain and why I personally feel Bitcoin is a bad bet compared to other options for the long term investors. Bitcoin is Slow, Expensive but in that it has what many feel is the best security. But is that enough to power it on? I think not and without change bitcoins days are numbered to be replaced by something else. A stagnate business is a business that's broke.

That aside we are seeing how Crypto has and is restoring power back into the hands of people. Now each person has the choice to do with their funds what they want. No one else is responsible for their actions and what's really powerful is no one know where those funds came from. This would make it impossible for a government to say this country is supporting the war when there's no track record. Instead the WORLD as a whole gets to make that decision and I feel everyone does not support this war or Russia besides some of the Russian people left in the dark and clearly need to really see what is going on.

With all of that being said it shows the clear evolution of crypto and how it continues to grow in power, show huge positives in terms of what good it can be used for among many other things. So to short it I think your crazy and deserve to take that financial slap. Sorry not sorry it's something I believe in greatly.

What Makes Crypto So Powerful

They are one of the fastest ways to get funds from anywhere to someone. We are talking 3 minutes or less and I think that's something we really haven't seen before ever in our history and has the very real capability to revolutionize everything. It's also decentralized which means each person can make their own choice and not worry about intranational boarders.

I know I've been writing about this a lot recently and it's mainly because I personally feel it is something that needs to remain in the spotlight. The world needs to become more unified and not fight over such dumb and ridiculous things. I personally thought all out wars and invasions such as this where in the past Unfortantlly the mindset of so called leaders continue to play with billions of lives.

Stay safe, be good to each other and remember crypto even with it's flaws like with everything is the ONE thing restoring rights and power to each person.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta