
Will LeoAds Reshape Hive and Value?

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4 min read

Will LeoAds Reshape Hive and Value?

One of the biggest things I've been looking forward to for the last two years since I really started to heavily stack and be active in LEOFinance over Hive was the vision of creating a front end that actully generates some revenue. To me a major issue with many platforms is the lack of revenue coming in that props the token value up. Most tokens and crypto are traded on speculation, use cases and buying things. So unless you have a lot of trading and other features of the crypto to me its doomed to fail or just never really lift off the ground to new levels.

The Ads

As much as people say they hate ads without them we wouldn't of ever had social web2. Things like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter all survived and grew because they had ad revenue coming in. That was their sole income source for the longest of times and in many cases continues to be the main source of revenue to pay for those server bills and people who work there.

It wasn't until the last two years these applications started to expand. Offering up sub levels in which the revenue would be split with the content creators. Donations in which have a split between content creator and platform. While this did help bolster revenues a small amount it was clear from the reports that ad revenue still took the cake in terms of money being earned by these platforms.

But what if you applied that into a social web3 platform?

What could we see if instead this revenue was given back to the content creators and community who help shape and provide the content that makes the platform active?

This has been tried many times in a web2 setting in which they always fell flat on their face at some point. They became overloaded with spam and people trying to cheat the system for a few pennies. Places like Yuwie among countless others.

But maybe web3 and in particular leofinance can get it right?

From what I'm seeing so far it's less about your engagement on the platform and more of a natural approach in which holding on to the LEO token means more then your day to day engagement. In terms of laws however it does make me a little worried however using it in smart contracts where it's hands free of the company might alleviate this concern of mine.

LeoThreads looks like it will be hosting a platform of what web2 currently offers but wrapping it all up into a smart contract and issuing it as some type of buy back into the leo token.

These ads will be your standard ads like banners you see on the platform currently however there are plans to expand this into inline ads like you see on twitter where it looks like a normal post however has a small promoted image or text to let you know. Other areas might be featuring a thread, having your profile show on the side for a set number of days or impressions and so on.

I'm not sure how the bid style is going to work out but with the growth of LeoThreads so far if they can get upwards of 10k+ of real active users a month by the end of the year I feel like it could start to generate a sizeable revenue source.

Leo itself has been running ads for a while which have been building in a smart contract. When we had roughly 500 monthly active users from what I heard that revenue being generated was something along the lines of $6,000+ in revenue. That's a sizeable chunk so in theory if you doubled or tripled that already plus implement other revenue sources you very well could be seeing threads generating upwards of $20,000 a month!

Now of course this is all speculation however my hopes are that next month when threads comes out of Alpha and into the real world that we will have a monthly ads report of some sort.

My Final Thoughts

I believe this will pave the way for the future of what Hive will become. Replacing traditional web2 with web3 where the content creators are rewarded for the content they produce which is what actully makes the platform what it is. Otherwise without content creators and users interacting with it the platform would be nothing more than a shell.

It also feels like to me we are in a pivotal time where the population is getting larger that is tired of governments how they treat people and also how companies have and continue to treat people. This shift is what I believe will fuel and continue to grow web3 such as leofinance and leothreads.

It wont happen over night just like web2 didn't happen over night. But imagine where it will be in 2 years or 5 years. Web2 took a good solid 10-15 years since the internet was born however I feel like most platforms now are on the fast track in terms of adoption and that's why I personally give it a shorter time frame.

I'm personally excited, VERY excited to see what next month shapes up to be and it feels awesome to be on the front lines of it helping make it happen. I hope to see you all there on LeoThreads as well!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta