
Tracking your emails and know where is it being leaked from just by doing this simple trick

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2 min read

Hey guys .. I just found out this really neat trick.

Have you ever wondered where on earth did some company get your email from ?
Where did I signup and my emails got shared without my permission ?
All these spam mails are coming from where ??? HOW HOW HOW HOW ???

Well .. this is a method where you can actually start tracking how and where.

When you signup for something ..

and lets say in my example below my email is using [email protected] or it could be or

In the email field you add "[email protected]" using that format. example like how I did it in the image below where my email domain is

Now once its done .. obviously it would ask you do confirm or verify your email address.

Once you check your email you would get the email as normal however if you see the email address you would be able to see the email that you key in.

So now .. if you get any email from the company you would know its from a signup that you did in that certain site.

The next time you start getting junk mails or spam mails or even phishing mails .. you can know exactly where they got your email address from and from which site.

Hopefully you can start tracking your email signups and know where the email leaks are. You can start adding in rules that if any emails with the "TO:" is from your spammed email address .. it goes straight into your trash-bin.

Cheers all and hope this trick is able to help you manage your emails slightly better.

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