
Cardano Vasil Hard Fork On The Way And What To Know

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2 min read

Cardano ADA has always been one crypto asset that I like most especially by the name ADA which means first daughter in Igbo language. Cardano was one of the top five coin sometime ago and was waxing strongly to be a contender out there but the volatility of crypto would always take effect and other coin would do better as others are going down in value, today it's no. 8. The truth is that when our favorite coins aren't doing well we hope they recover back to the past glory and beyond. The certainty is that it would happen but time would actually tell when as we sit buying, hodling for a boom.

One thing I've come to learn about crypto is that the developers and team are always working to actually increase the potential of a coin and clearly the Ethereum Merge is one that has a lot to offer Ethereum to do better with the upgrade

Cardano is making the rounds in the news of an upgrade that ought to have happened around June this year but hasn't occurred yet and has been set to happen presumably September as that of ethereum's hard fork. The upgrade that Cardano would have is the Vasil Hard Fork. You should know that when there's an upgrade, it means the blockchain is about to be restarted to be better than it was. The Vasil Hard Fork would include CIP-31, CIP-32, CIP-33, CIP-40 and Diffusion Pipelining which would make the transition to Cardano mainnet better.

So far Cardano Stake Pool Operators have been working for a successful upgrade which is on the way. We know the process is always gradual and there have been no issues, it seems highly likely that those SPOs who have not already upgraded to release 1.35.3 on the mainnet will make the move to release 1.35.3, and of course, once 75% of stake pool nodes on the mainnet are on 1.35.3, the Vasil HCF can happen. 26% of SPOs have upgraded their mainnet nodes to 1.35.3. so the process is going on. Once SPOs have achieved its 75% aim, the upgrade would take place in full effect in collaboration with exchanges.

Thanks for visiting my blog, till next time.

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