
The secret to being successful on Hive!

avatar of @bradleyarrow
2 min read

Something never change. Versions of stuff change, how you do stuff changes. But the basics never change.

You want to know the secret to being successful on Hive and I life?

It starts very simply, and then you build from there.

You don't do what my avatar is doing above. What you do, do, is show up every day.

I believe I have said that before, many times before. You need to show up everyday.

I have now shown up 1256 straight days on Hive. And that is a win. A giant win.

If you don't show up you cannot be successful. That is the first step.

The same goes for these daily LeoFinance posts. If I did not show up I would not be typing right now. I know that might sound abvious but it is true. I would not be over my 150 leo mark for the upcoming LPUD day.

I would not be talking about BBH as much as I am. And my tipping/income token would not be picking up steam.

Sure, once you show up you have to start doing things. Like typing to do a blog post.

I think you get the idea.

Once again I want to thank Vanessa at Cardone University Canada. She sent me some training tailored to me that inspired this post.

And what i said at the beginning. I watched a video by Grant Cardone going back to 2002 of him talking about showing up. 21 years ago.

The basics hold true. If it was not for the video quantity and style and copy write I would never know it was that old .

If nothing else you get from my rambling today: Start by showing up. You have done more that 99 percentage of others.


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