
avatar of @brianoflondon
1 min read

I've been thinking a lot about this because I manage the RC's for Podping.

Podping is unique as far as I can tell. It's a totally non-financial system which nobody has yet told me how to do without using a distributed global blockchain such as Hive.

But you're right, it involves sending custom_jsons for which I need RC's and thanks to my getting into this back at 20 to 40c Hive, and with a grant from the DHF which is pretty much all staked now, I have plenty of HP and RCs.

The main podping account has around 3800 HP backing it up and I have around 1000 HP on other accounts.

Even at $1 Hive, that still represents a small price to pay for the value of the shared hardware I have access too.

I will also say that if main chain RCs become too expensive, I full anticipate that second layer solutions and the kinds of things @threespeak are working on with the SPK Network could easily be used.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta