
¿Hive o Leo? Where do I start my journey, with little capital?

avatar of @carloselre5
2 min read


Today was an excellent day for me, last year left me a little uncomfortable with a debt that did not let me get ahead or so I saw, I had lost my job due to the pandemic unexpectedly, and at the worst economic time in my home.

After that my savings went down and I had taken debt to buy some tools with which I did a course, after that I was given the opportunity to acquire others with financing and also accept them, after months and without finding a job my savings helped me to pay the monthly payments, but I reached a point where I could not pay them, at the end of last year I got a job and tried to get out of that mess of debt.

Which I did not achieve due to low income, luckily for me two days ago I got a call from the company where I worked to give me the news that my liquidation had to go through it, so it was, I looked for that payment and hopefully I could finally get out of all those unnecessary expenses, and even stay a little to invest.

My plan to start my business is getting closer and closer, but now I am at a crossroads, as I read in Hive my desire to invest in crypto increases, I want to enter this world, but I feel that to be able to enter the game you need a lot of capital, maybe in a few days I will resolve what to do, for the time being wait, although I don't think for long.

I have seen these last days a small increase in the price of the Hive, and luckily it has remained, with the Leo it is not so similar since it has had ups and downs, I still don't understand much either, but reading many predictions of people that I suppose know about the subject, where to speak of the possible price that can get to have the Hive where many say that it will be in the range of the 2 to 4$ and I read of 4 to 10$ even some predict that still but, I find myself in the dilemma In where would be better to invest the little capital that I have? Leo or Hive? I hope you will help me a little in this question so that I can take a step forward, since I do not want to continue being a slave to this consumerist model in which we live in my country, and I want to start looking to the future.


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