
Alienships S:X CONTENDER PACK DROP ENDS IN 1 DAY! (and my best play so far)

avatar of @cflclosers
2 min read

For any play to earn Hivians who like to grab NFTs in an early game this is a reminder that Alien Ships Contender Packs Drop for whitelisted folks ends tomorrow. That means ships are 10 less wax than general sale.

Im not well first in the action for Pilots League but we can test out our new ships on the 15th. I bought 4 ships and I'll try my luck. I think it's a good purchase because all NFTs in Alien Ships have value and always sell. I'm not the best gamer in the world but I like what's happening here.

I promised you my best play in the Title so here it is. I was asking a ton of questions in the discord about how a newb should proceed and I was told I should shoot for a Space Mine S1

It is a passive asset that allows you to hunt for an NFT every 96 hours. You always win something and in about 2 weeks I have 3 ships. An S:A1, S:A2 & and S:A3. Those are ships to do combat missions with and I am thrilled with my results.

I didn't purchase the Mine on Atomic because I had earned some ships through play and was able to almost blend my own mine. I only needed to more ships so I bought those and blended it myself.

But, Im thinking of buying another because they are a good deal on atomic and I'd be in profit in about 3 weeks. It's just something I'm thinking about and not necessarily recommending.

As I do the free combat missions, earn credits and nfts, I'm slowly learning and that is my goal. I'm tired of not understanding these stupid games. It cost me a lot of money to not understand splinterlands lol.

The last thing is that if anyone is interested in playing Alien or is active but didn't get the Permanent Giveaway Pass to hold and enter the weekly giveaway, then comment with your wax address and I'll gift you one. I have only a few to give so please intend on using it. I personally haven't won but there are not a lot of entrants and the prizes are good!

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