
Ask Leo: What's Your Plan For PolyCub?

avatar of @cflclosers
2 min read

I've been reading a lot about the future of Leo and Cub and of course, I'm confused by the whole thing.

The only thing I really know about cub is that I turned $1,000 worth of Leo into currently about $120 worth of Cub. I got a tiny cub drop at the beginning and immediately traded $1,000 of Leo for cub and staked it. It's now in the kingdom earning interest and after all of that time it's only worth $120ish.

I'm not complaining per se but I'm just stating that to date, I've only bought things and held them. I don't really understand moving in and out of things for profit. Every time I try, I lose.

I don't feel great about it because I really want to understand it and have a basic plan to follow where I can profit. Ive been reading. Nothing too risky but after approaching my 5 year anniversary on steem/hive, I feel like I should be doing or at least learning how to take advantage of this place.

Currently, I am nearly 100% liquid in Hive and Leo. I'm wondering if trading my leo for cub for the airdrop is wise or should I just stay in Leo.

I'm hoping to hear thoughts in the comments about how all of these future Leofinance plans will effect Leo itself. Is that the best place to be? In plain ole Leo?

Should it wrapped, pooled, Kingdomed, or traded? I saw in the discord that Khal posted a little recipe for Cub that sounded reasonable:

Buy CUB Get PolyCUB Airdrop Stake POLYCUB to xPOLYCUB Earn MASSIVE YIELD Buy pLEO and stake pLEO-MATIC on PolyCUB Earn MORE MASSIVE YIELD Compound POLYCUB to xPOLYCUB Count Bags Repeat

My thought is how should I get to the beginning of this recipe. Should I spend my Leo to buy some cub? Spend my hive to buy some Cub? Forget about buying Cub and use the 386 Cub I already have to follow the recipe and inch my way forward? Does success in polycub mean that you need to start day 1 or will their still be awesome yields over time?

I'm not someone who understands trading and the charts. I've been grinding it out on Hive/Leo and willing to continue. After all, I rescued every penny of my 2017 losses and then some by blogging. I've actually 7x my holdings over the last 4 years through blogging.

But, I'm looking to be a little smarter and more efficient because while holding and watching the bull market go by it seems that I should be doing more and participating in everything we have to offer at a higher level.

So far, converting Hive to Leo and then Leo to cub has put me in a hole but if it werent for Leo I would have earned far less hive so it is nothing I'm complaining about. But I feel like I should be up to date on Cub and moving with the herd.

I would love you to add your strategies in the comments. I hope to leave this discussion with a solid plan for me to focus on and implement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta