
avatar of @chekohler
1 min read

Oh it’s a real dick move on behalf of those companies because they don’t pass on the cost saving! If you can get cheaper Labour you should be passing that on in cheaper prices for consumers but it’s just bigger margins for executives and share holders

And since we don’t have a free market pulling this shit pays off because other companies and small businesses can’t come In and compete

I have family in Canada but they moved years ago and are well settled down. When I was looking at moving there I spoke to a lot of people and they didn’t paint as bad a picture as you do but it was pretty Hines that I would basically come home with nothing and while I’d be in a better environment I won’t exactly get all the benefits thereof.

Migrant exploitation is real I don’t doubt that and then it’s papered over by anecdotal stories of success so those that don’t make it feel shit and feel it’s all their fault when it’s not the case

What I’m hoping for is if I can secure my off the grid operation that I can still do some remote work here and there or maybe some seasonal work just to supplement my savings and any investments I do

I by no means think I’ll be sitting in my arse, I just want it to be on my terms and not this chase to stay above water all the time

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