
avatar of @chekohler
2 min read

LOL I had a similar experience my cousin is now into this betting thing and he's explaining it to me and how his making so much money and im like that's great. But he loses either way, if he wins he consumes it if he loses its lost. There is no saving going on there, so I just keep quiet. He keeps telling me he wants to get into Bitcoin but never does it because it's "too much reading and work".

I've even had family members ask me to buy BTC for them and hold it and sell when I think markets are topping and im like hell no, my view is different, do with your money as you please.

I feel you on the wages thing, while I am a free market guy and feel markets should set wages like you say it's not a free market in currency so my view doesn't mean shit. These people NEED more wages just to survive not even save and It's horrible how we put people through this and make them "fight" for a living wage, its dumb.

In a market where labour is properly valued with sound money they don't need to fight. But in that market politicians and intellectuals market value and earning capacity drops dramatically as they are paid based on their utility in the market, which is why they are so desperate to hold on to the system we have.

I used to hate FUD when I first started because I was so emotionally tied to Bitcoin, now I love it, anything that brings the price down short term is great for me. I love how they talk about crypto holders as religious and fanatical, if you read that article back and replace all the mentions of Bitcoin with stocks or fiat it reads exactly the same lol

I read one the other day that said Bitcoin will drop 80% as the headline and then it goes on to say it should top out at 200k this cycle and then drop and I am like yes, it should I agree with you and for all of us who have bought previous to this run well still be in profit in fiat terms and also who cares?

I don't wish UBI on you guys I just think it's the easiest way to get cash into the system and to the greater number of people who will then spend it around the world. If the US for example doesn't, and there's deflation, countries like mine that hold dollar debt can't pay it back and our currencies go poopie faster than you can say UBI.

So I'll take the slow pain over the quicker pain.

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