
Hive PAMP, LEO PAMP, reason?

avatar of @chronocrypto
1 min read

Listen wow I don’t know about you but I am super excited with hive been pumped the price at $.40 can you imagine when you hit the dollar or two dollars or three dollars…

I don’t know about you but I think the reason is because of Leo finance their team is massively creating value to not only Leo but also hive they are using their knowledge of crypto economics 2.0 BNB and Defi into the hive Blockchain.

Check it out I even posted it on Twitter about it Crypto economics 2.0 Defi baby.

Look at the price of Hive and look at the price of Leo I wonder do you think that is hive wants to pump deal was to come even higher than hive considering now I might be wrong there is an infinite amount of Leo such as high due to the inflation.

2021 Bull Run is the bull run of bull runs if you haven’t noticed.

We have a cub finance Some folks are making over there weekly salary at your job working 40 hours a week 9 to 5 situation…

Can you imagine the possibilities these people are given the opportunity to pump their hive bags or pump their personal life outside of Crypto bags.

As I said I am super excited for the future of the hive Blockchain because of everything that’s going around Hive watching it affects the Hive Blockchain in a positive manners...

so I say to you pump your hive bags purchase when it’s low purchase when it’s high.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta