

avatar of @chronocrypto
2 min read

Hell, its been a crazy week with Leo Finance and their Crack... I mean CUB.. Every body is making $$ left and right what? Some are making more in a day than a weeks work salary even with the reduced APY which are in the low 278% APY as compared to the massive 60,000% APY!! DEFI BABY! but the legit way 100% of what the LEO Finance team has built is gold.. with everything we want all the bells and whistles this is what the blockchain wants to be. WE are years ahead its just a matter of time the crypto verse turns around and peeps at Hive.

Onboarding That's what Cub is doing. Period. its doing it even with out starting marketing.

enough said. *Utopis I try to be apart of every good promising project on the hive blockchain, I work outside as well and earn roughly $150-$200 a day doing doordash but that all goes to crypto its extra money that I earn from the side its my Hustle, I decided to share my earnings with Utopis holders, I also mine that juicy ETH the fees are high right now So I get nice eth payouts, Miners get the ETH fees so Every Sunday at 11:00 PM PST time, divs go out to Utopis holders from the profits I made that week. I also reinvest back into Hive to grow and be able to help you grow. Lets grow our wealth.

So listen Utopis will get a nice boost in Hive due to Cub + Utopis its going great and you as a holder will enjoy it as much.

I purchase Hive with Crypto and Fiat bringing in $$ into the hive ecosystem rather than taking away.

BOOM that is what is called an eco, Social Index fund great for every one great for hive.. I purchased 10 more of VTI.

Let’s grow our wealth!
Look at this beauty!

If you have no idea what the hell I am talking about please check these links out.

Project Utopis Whitepaper

Buy some UTOPIS Super juicy divs by earning real profits and purchasing Hive.

Happy happy Thursday!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta