
Hive Power Up and Sponsor

avatar of @cmplxty
2 min read

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I'm here with the Twenty Sixth iteration (can't believe it's been 26 already!) of my "Power Up & Sponsor" initiative! I will try to be doing these monthly, to both join in on the Power Up day festivities but also to add my own flavor to it that I think would be great if more could join in!

Check out the link below for details of what this means exactly!


To make the posts a bit more readable, I've shortened it up a lot!

You can find my previous edition here which has all of the details and I think is good but this really cuts down on the reading for those folks who are familiar with it by now.

The awesome folks I’m sponsoring today are @knowhow92 and @davixesk8 along with my normal monthly sponsor of the account I've created for our son @thelittleman. I didn't have a lot of leftover Hive after the monthly activities and my bit of a slowdown on post rewards for the month of April which is fine so I know my totals aren't what they would be otherwise. Still good to power up and hook up some other people while I'm doing it!

The skateboarding community, led by @knowhow92, my Greek brother from another mother, has really been getting some hype and I love it. Lots of really awesome content flowing over there! Harris there does an awesome job of keeping people engaged, with some help of course, but he's a full time Hiver and skater! Love to support him when I can!

@davixesk8 is a guy I've been following for a while and he's got some great skating he does but he's also very supportive of people around him so I wanted to be able to help him out, I don't remember the last time I've helped him out!

Power Up!

I would be remiss to not join in on the power up myself! Below is me adding some more Hive Power to my total, getting me closer to that 25k Hive Power goal that I have for the end of year! I'm hoping that I can hit that but let's see how things go!

Connect with me!

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