
Crypto Earnings Altcoin Investment Portfolio (Update #9 June 2021)

avatar of @costanza
3 min read

I started a small crypto altcoin portfolio 9 months ago with the intention to use some of my active and passive crypto earnings, reinvesting them in some 'crypto moonshots' (See Original Post). This is the update for May 2021.

The downfall in altcoin prices continued in June with things right now starting to recover. Currently, I'm still in the accumulation zone adding a couple each month and just riding everything out.

These were the results on the coins I added in the report last month...

All 3 coins I added last time dropped in value (along with the entire market) but damage overall is very limited.

June Added Coins

The main theme of the coins I most recently added to this portfolio is Defi on Bitcoin with isn't really talked about yet but has major potential.

I bought 40 DFI which is a project from Julian Hosp who very much relate to in his thinking. I got pretty much wrecked on TenX which he was involved in previously which initially kept me cautious on DFI (which I honestly haven't looked deep enough into still to really fully understand). I did buy a small amount 40 DFI last month at 3.076$ (the all-time high was 4.86$) and from what it looks like, it came down quite a bit. I did add 10 DFI just now at a 2.29$ price

All I know about RIF is that it's about DeFi on Bitcoin and that Sovryn is using it in some way. That's pretty much how far my research goes on many of these altcoins that I include in this portfolio reinvesting some of my earnings. I like rounded numbers and bought 1000 RIF today on Kucoin for 0.1609$ each

I hate buying small amounts on Uniswap but it was the only real way to buy Sovryn and I did buy a little more than my usual amount just to offset the gas costs a bit. Watching a podcast from Pomp pretty much made me want to get some of this in as "shut up and take my money". At the time though it was only available on their playform and the price was 30$ for 1 SOV, now it was added to Uniswap and the altcoin crash happened. I bought 20 SOV just now on Uniwsap for 11.13$ (11.50$ counting the Gas fee)

That's it for the coins that I added this month getting myself at least a little bit of exposure to DeFi on Bitcoin. I still have intention to make a more meaningful investment in this but need to do a lot more research before doing so. This portfolio is pretty much degen low-research :-)

All The buys so far...

Pretty much over half of the coins I bought are down in value and it's mostly the case for the ones most recently bought (during what was the latest altcoin season top). I continue to cost-average myself in and will re-evaluate when bitcoin reaches around 100k which at this point feels inevitable to happen at some point in time.

Crypto Earnings Altcoin Investment Portfolio (08/07/2021)

Looking at the bright side, I'm still in overall profit on this portfolio (at least looking versus USD Value), the swings in Altcoins are really high though so things could look a lot different a couple months from now.

MonthTotal Invested $Total Now $Total Return
September 2020216.16$216.16$-
October 2020357.20$272.25$-23.78%
November 2020357.20$292.21$-18.19%
December 2020560.55$598.48$+6.77%
January 2021796.51$1457.69$+83%
February 20211065.77$2530.42$+137.43%
March 20211392.29$3830.29$+175.11%
April 20211753.86$4317.04$+146.14%
May 20212120.31$3346.46$+57.83%
June 20212684.55$2769.70$+3.17%
Total BTC0,088519860,08420320-4.88%
Total Dollar2684.55$2769.70$+3.17%

That's it again for this month, I might look to maybe add to some of the coins I already have in this portfolio the coming month.

Crypto Exchanges that I am using...

Important: By no means take this post and these coins as investment advice. Rather see them as entertainment or motivation to possibly start your own altcoin portfolio growing it over time.

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