
Sports Betting Blockchain Projects | November 2020 Report

avatar of @costanza
3 min read

I try to stay up to date with all the latest news and developments from Blockchain Projects that offer Sports Betting making a report each month with my personal experience and insights on how this space is evolving.

Market Overview

This past month, everything has been about Bitcoin which mostly comes along with limited to no news from altcoins as they are better off bringing news while eyes are on the Altcoins during an alt season. There have been some bigger moves in some of the Sports Betting Related coins (Gnosis +38.56% | Stox +113% | Decent +84.4 | Blitzpredict +97% | Bethereum +252%) and the overall trend in the coins feel like it's up again regardless of any fundamentals and almost none of them actually have people using them. many of the smaller ones also have slim to no volume which makes it easy for them to pump in percentages. I wouldn't be surprised if many of these types of altcoins started outperforming BTC over the coming month after being crushed for years. The ones I am actually using right now are / / Wagerr who all have a working project.

From what it looks like, Wagerr has an updated website design which actually looks nice

The main issue remains the user experience which is just horrible for any regular user because it's a hassle to get WGR and betting requires downloading the chain which takes forever even when having logged it the day before. I just tested with the last time I logged in was 17 hours ago and it took exactly 14 minutes to sync being able to log in. I also continue to watch the supply as losing bets Burn the WGR while the winning bets mint WGR which leaves the platform quite vulnerable as there are winning players with deep pockets out there.

MonthTotal Supply ChangeChange
July 2020+7,546,461 WGR-
August 2020+7,245,966 WGR-300,495 WGR
October 2020+9,826,294 WGR+2,580,328 WGR
November 2020+8,191,020 WGR-1,635,274 WGR

Listed Projects (CoinMarketCap)

30/10/2020 --> 3/12/2020
Rank+/-ProjectTokenMCapPrice24h Vol
081(-10)AugurREP164M14.92$ (+22.3%)19.7M
135 (-7)GnosisGNO70.3M45.95$ (+38.56%)185k
249(-2)Bitbook GamblingBXK70.3M0.196$ (+19.5%)5k
351(-159)WinkWIN24.1M0.000080$ (-3.75%)2.5M
673(-50)WagerrWGR6.4M0.032952$ (+13.6%)2k
1101(-33)PeerplaysPPY1.53M0.339$ (+13.8%)82k
xxx(-)Sportbet.oneSBET1.36M0.003413$ (+16.5%)35$
1501(+153)StoxSTX404k0.007822$ (+113%)167$
1533(+107)Decent.BetDBET368k0.001953$ (+84.4%)723$
1641(-122)ScorumSCR236k0.008077$ (-24.1%)3.1k
1674(+102)BlitzpredictXBP224k0.000593$ (+97%)614$
1726(+77)BetterbettingBETR179k0.000629$ (+2.6%)0$
1737(-221)BethereumBETHER172k0.000306$ (+252%)0$

Unlisted Projects

DegensETHSmart Contract
Sportx.betDAISmart Contract
Crypto SportzETHSmart Contract
GifcoinGIFICO Book Profit

Previous Monthly Reports On Blockchain Betting Projects

Dec 2020nov 2020Oct 2020Sep 2020Aug 2020July 2020
June 2020May 2020Apr 2020Mar 2020Feb 2020Jan 2020
Dec 2019Nov 2019Oct 2019Sep 2019Aug 2019July 2019
June 2019May 2019Apr 2019Mar 2019Feb 2019Jan 2019
Dec 2018Nov 2018Oct 2018Sep 2018Aug 2018July 2018
June 2018May 2018Mar 2018---

That's about it for this month. Let me know if there is anything major I missed last month or if there are some more promising projects I have yet to take a look at. Thanks !

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