
Daily CUB Report | Kickstarting the Perpetual Motion Machine and Vortexing HIVE and HBD

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3 min read

CUB has reached a totally new level in the marketplace. We're seeing the little DeFi platform that could transform into an economic powerhouse.

We're not there quite yet.

Okay, let's not blow smoke up anyone's you know who's... we're not quite an economic powerhouse yet..

What I'm saying is that we are on our way to becoming an economic powerhouse this means that we're seeing CUB become a vortex for productive assets.

As the multi-token bridge grows - as of today, $409k in Total Value Locked (TVL) - we're going to see more CUB bought and burned each month.

As more CUB is bought and burned each month, the utility of earning CUB goes up. That means that APY in the LPs goes up.

As APY in the LPs goes up, more MTB Assets get pooled into the bridge.

We go from $409k to $500k to $600k to $800k to $1M to $1.25M to $1.5M to $2m....

As these numbers grow, the perpetual motion machine continues churning along with it.

As that happens, more and more assets come in and so on and so forth. Things get interesting real quick.

So our focus now? Vortex in the assets we need to get this perpetual motion machine kickstarted. LeoTeam has termed this "Escape Velocity Liquidity" when EVL is achieved, we'll see the CUB price rise exponentially.

BUT and it's a big BUT, we need to see the EVL achieved. If it isn't, CUB is dead in the water.

We are not wishful thinkers. We are doing the math. Get EVL, kickstart perpetual motion machine of vortexing in MTB assets (HIVE and HBD) and watch a rise to fame like nothing we've ever seen before.

Follow along as I report daily on @cubdaily ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

Focus of the Day

The focus of the day is on CUB Burns! See the end of this post for a deeper and different perspective on CUB Burn activities.

CUB Token

  • Price: $0.02136
  • Total CUB Supply: 17,345,930
  • Total CUB Burned: 821,904
  • Total Market Cap: $372,143

Data Sourced On-Chain

Multi-Token Bridge Stats

  • bHBD-bHIVE: $59k
  • bHBD-BUSD: $155k
  • bHBD-CUB: $89k
  • bHIVE-CUB: $106k
  • Total: $409k

Data Sourced On CubFinance

CUB Burns

There's an interesting section of BSCscan that shows the Holders of a token.

Here you see today's screenshot of CUB holders. These are the top 10 addresses.

Ranking at #6 is the Null address - this is where all burned CUB gets sent. When CUB is sent here, it is immovable - making it burned permanently from the circulating supply of CUB.

We've seen this address rise quickly. Going from 500k to now 821k in just 6 weeks.

Above it, you'll see that the top 1-5 address are all liquidity pools. Below it, #7 and #8 are also liquidity pools.

We're literally seeing CUB's burned amount start to leap ahead of actual pools of capital that make up the CUB Vaults.

Why is this interesting? There's no real reason other than psychological. How does it look to the external world of DeFi when more CUB starts to grow into the burned address than the actual LPs. To me, that's super bullish. A signal that we're VASTLY OUTPACING supply dynamics and moving CUB deflationary by deploying tokens into the burn pile.

Further Reading:

  • Latest Reports From this Account: @cubdaily
  • Latest CUB Burn Report From the LeoTeam:

About CubDaily

I'll be using this account to report on the CUB stats each and every morning. Together we'll track the growth of CUB under the completely revamped ecosystem that LeoTeam has built called the Multi-Token Bridge.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta