
When Do Hivers Post And Vote The Most?

avatar of @dalz
3 min read

So, when do Hivers post and vote the most?
Having in mind Hive is a global community posting and voting time can vary a lot. Different time zones etc. Can users optimize their posting time, so they get some more attention?

This is an interesting topic so here we go. Data about when Hiver’s post and vote/curate.

It’s been almost a year from the last time we looked into this topic in this post. Have things changed since then? A lot of time has passed since then, the HIVE price has up and downs, time to revisit.

Here we will be running the data for posting and voting time in parallel, so users can compare them. We will be looking at the hours, and at the days of the week, and combine them for a heat map.

We will be analyzing a four-week period, February 21 to March 20.

The time is in UTC. You can compare it with your local time zone here:


First the hours. Let’s take a look what time of the day Hivers post and vote the most in the period.

Note again on the UTC time.

On the posting side we can see that there is a clear trend, where there is more posting between 13h to 22h UTC, with a peak somewhere around 15h. There is like a secondary peak around 22h. Between 4 and 8, there is the lowest number of posts. The ratio of the post in the low hours to high hours is almost 1:2.

On the voting/curating side there is a similar pattern. For the off peak hours there is slight sift and the voting decay earlier starting from 2h to 6h.

The data above is a sum of all the posts in these hours for the period analyzed.

Days Of The Week

Now that we have seen the hours data, lets take a look at the days of the week. What days of the week Hivers post and vote the most?

What days of the week Hivers post and vote the most?

A clear trend on the posts here. Monday and Tuesday are the days with the highest numbers of post, while the weekend not as much. Interesting Tuesday has a higher number of posts then Monday.

Similar pattern for the votes, although interesting Sunday has a bit more votes, on a similar level as Friday. Maybe hivers want just to read and curate on Sunday.


Combing the days and hours and we get the heat map.
First the post:

We can see that the start of the week between 14h and 18h is quite busy. Overall, the 14h to 18h are having more posts, same as from the hours chart. The 5 to 8 period is more quite.

The votes heatmap** looks like this.

Again, vote seems more random than post. Some spikes happening randomly between hours and days. Although there is more activity in the period as for the posts, that is 13h to 22h. Again, Sunday looks busier for voting then Saturday. Between 2h and 7h is obviously more quiet for voting as well.

Here are the two heat maps.

These are a bit smaller, but we can still do some comparison.
The numbers of posts have clearly a larger differentiation, or bigger oscillation so to speak then the votes. Votes are more evenly spread. They drop more in the off hours so to speak between 2 and 7, than the number of votes. This is probably because of the autovotes. The votes drop as well in those hours but not as much as the posts. The peak hours are still the same.

Do you have a posting time, or is it random?

All the best @dalz

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