
One Sure Fired Way to Improve your Financial Decision Making

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2 min read

Now more than ever, you need to be on top of your financial decision making. Everything you do depends on you making the right decisions now. Each decision made will either close off future options or open others that you may never had considered.

Know where you want to Be

The first step is to know where you want to be in five to ten years. You can make it as simple or as complex as you would like. But it needs to be done. You need to start thinking about this and discussing with your spouse or significant other so that both of your are on the same page and know making separate decisions that will take you off path.

Be Realistic but Reach

When you are deciding on where you want to be in five to ten years, be realistic but reach further than you think is possible.

For example, if you decide you want to be the top medical doctor in the country and have not started that field of study that may not be a realistic goal. However if you decide to complete your medical degree in five years and begin a residency at a top hospital, that would be more realistic.

Ask the Right Questions to the Right People

This is critical. Ask the right questions to the right people.

If you are asking the right questions but to the wrong people you will probably get the wrong answers. Also, if you ask the wrong questions to the right people you will also probably get the wrong answers. This is why it is very important to ask the right questions to the right people so that you can be pointed in the right direction.

Find a few experts in the area that you are looking into. If your goal is to be have passive investments that will produce enough income to cover your annual expenses, you would probably need to talk with a financial expert instead of a chef. The chef might be a person to learn from if you are thinking of opening a restaurant.

Here on the Hive Platform that are plenty of people you could ask for advice. Find the community that focuses on that topic, read posts and ask the authors their opinion. You would be surprised what you might learn. LeoFinance is a very good community to start with if you are looking for Financial posts.

Be Dedicated

Once you have you know where you want to be and have talked to the experts.

START, BE DEDICATED and Enjoy the journey along the way.

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