
Eddie Earner moves on to the next level

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4 min read

Well, well, well, well, well, look what happened? I've been telling people for 3 months to buy EDS tokens and all sudden when I make a post about the numbers instead of my usual cartoon short, people FOMO and everyone wants a piece of Eddie Earner. There's plenty of me to around, well.....there was. Sadly if you missed out, you might not get another chance are you might, I dont know, the balls in my court. Option 1, provide an increased ROI for the ones that had faith in me from the beginning are 2/ issue another 20k+ tokens and go for a money grab while my ass is hot and people want a piece.

I am not a smart man but I know what's right and what's wrong so no more EDS tokens will be issued for a while. With 20,000 issued, it's time to get on the grind good and proper and increase the HP balance of my wallet as much as possible, as quickly as possible. When you are earning 20-25% on your investment, I'll consider issuing more tokens but it's not worth it for me for current EDS token holders. I might release a new token, how knows. It's crypto baby!!

but for real...

Issuing 10k EDS tokens in 1 week is amazing, I noticed my boss's new token LBI had a fantastic launch week and I think some of that luck has rubbed on me, hence 10,000 tokens issued in 1 week. Im not complaining, I'll take it any day.

A note for those that have been holding EDS tokens for a while, your income payment will decrease by a little for the next 2-3 weeks, you'll hardly notice but better explaining why this will happen so I dont need to answer questions later on.

So EDS income payments are based on @eddie-earners HIVE POWER balance. Dividends are equal to 12% of this balance. As lease payments, post payouts and LEO curation rewards are earned and powered up, dividends will increase every week. To date, Eddie-Earner has earned around 900 HIVE, not that much but it's a small token worth only 20k HIVE. Last week when there were 10k tokens issued, this 900 was equal to a 9% growth. Now there are 20k tokens, this 900 is only equal to 4.5%. We just need to build it back up and this time it'll be faster because no more new EDS is being issued. I think I explained that ok, you understand?


Here is a simple sheet I use to track what's happening, I sorta made it up in a hurry thinking I go back to make it better but I never what back to it. Jumping into the numbers for this week, you can see that Leasing earning have more than doubled. I did not waste any time getting the HIVE from token sale's sent over to my HIVE wallet, powered up and delegated out. They call me "Eddie the Earner" not "Eddie the Timeburner" I had it all done in 20 minutes, in fact, I got paid for it as well on the spot, they call me "Eddie the Earner", not "Eddie the Slowlearner". With a huge spike in my accounts HP balance, a huge spike in the amount paid out every week has increased and will continue to increase.

I will take an hour to make a better spreadsheet that looks half decent. Now we've issued 20,000 tokens, I better get a bit more professional and stuff, I should sit in Starbucks looking at spreadsheets on my laptop so everyone can see im an important guy now. I might don a tie, I have a bee strip one to match my bee suit.

Yes, a new spreadsheet will make me look more pro. Here, check this out. I know will not happen again but check me out!!!

There I am sitting in 4th highest traded token of the day with $870 in volume. Not so smart today STEEM? Blurt?, LTCp? are even my boss's token SPI. I texted him to rub it in that I had a higher volume than him and he pointed out that his SPI token was +2000% for the day. He sent me back a picture of him semi-naked rolling round in a pile of cash with some midgets (dont ask). The one day I have something on him and his market cap bounces from $55k to $1.2 million. Seems a bit.....I think he set it up, he's like that just to be a dick to me and take the wind from my sails. Anyway, $800 volume!! We'll not be seeing that for awhile.

What's next?

Im gonna increase your weekly HIVE income payments, that is my plan. Nice and simple.

Remember my motto "You give me all your money and I'll turn that money into more money and as an investor, you will make a lot of money"

Sorry, I keep forgetting, EDS tokens are sold out. I dont need your money, whoops.

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