
It's always sunny in Philadelphia.

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3 min read

I don't particularly like this show...

I know some people adore it.
Not really for me, although I do appreciate the nihilism and dark humor.

The meme of old poor vs new poor is a classic one, especially in the realm of crypto. During these phases of exponential adoption more people involved in cryptocurrency haven't experienced a crypto winter like 2018 than have. That's a problem. Honestly that's a small reason why LUNA crashed to zero. People in crypto parrot these phrases like 'diamond hands' and 'hodl' and 'wagmi' without even knowing what they actually mean. Degens think they can say these words out loud and that makes them part of the club. No friend, you are not part of the Big Club.

The real diamonds are forged under the pressure of the tokens we hold crashing 99% or whatever in value. 90%? 80%? Doesn't matter. Just a huge huge number where we feel like we've lost all our money. Then at some point years later we look at our wallets and realize,

"Wow, I have ten times more than I started with... didn't I lose it all two years ago? Weird."

Saying 'diamond hands' as number goes up or during a 30% retracement in the middle of a bull market is basically an insult at this point.

But I digress.

The title of the show never really made sense to me. Now that I've moved to Pennsylvania I take it a bit more literally. I thought the weather during the winter would be dark and dreary with rain or snow a lot of the time. This is what it was like when I lived in the northwest (minus the snow), so surely in a place that snows and gets much colder it must be even worse!

The crazy thing about Pennsylvania is that... it's always sunny. It could be 20 degrees Fahrenheit outside and the sun would still be shining bright. With snow on the ground it's even brighter outside in the winter than in the summer due to the reflection. Pretty wild. It's surprisingly nice here.

There's also just a ton of history here that just doesn't exist on the west coast. It's one of the original 13 colonies. There's a town called Gettysburg here. Ever heard of it? Very strange how much more history the east coast has, considering I've lived on the west side my entire life up until now.

Ah well, history was always my least favorite subject anyway.

Poor people vs poor people with a nice suicide joke to top it off.

Funny how Danny Davito is my least favorite part of the show by a wide margin but just so happens to be the most famous of all of them. It's also interesting how poor people are constantly pitted against each other. God forbid they work together! Nobody wants that.

If you want to make a baby cry, first you give it a lollipop, then you take it away... if you never give it a lollipop to begin with, it has nothing to cry about.

New vs Old: Poor

It's actually quite shocking how an environment changing quickly can have that affect on people. Someone who grows up in poverty has that memory locked in for the rest of their lives. Meanwhile, someone born with a silver spoon may decide to jump out a 50-story building if the stock market crashes to zero.

This actually applies to many things in life. Obviously if you don't go to the gym you're not going to be able to leg-press 1000 pounds. This is a classic example of how small doses of stress can lead to resilience and strength rather than become a crippling burden.

The same concept also applies to the slow erosion of our basic human rights and freedoms over time in a system that is becoming increasingly authoritarian... but again... I digress.


I've never been to Philadelphia, but I'll be headed there soon for a secret mission. This post is a bit all over the place. Consider it a small slice of ADHD mixed with the energy of the day. Bottom line: have fun staying poor!

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