
The hardest financial skill is knowing when it's enough

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2 min read

Wealth accumulation is a prime source of pride and wealth envy in modern society. We are more driven than ever before to amass more and higher amounts of capital, yet we fail to recognize when enough is enough.
Source The emerging "zero-sum game" mentality destroys our ability to be competitive with it perpetually in the back of our minds; which brings up a whole new struggle that must be solved - how do we stop the ease to generate wealth from being an endless, endless process?

Today we will be talking about capitalism and our never-ending desires to achieve greater heights than what we originally set out for. We always want more - more money, more recognition, and more success. It's become a race against ourselves.

When is it enough for an achievement?

It doesn't matter if you make $8 an hour or $80 thousand a year. Alarms, meetings, and to-do lists wake us up before we've ever really woken up. It's no wonder why so many people are struggling with feelings of insecurity and almost all of us are in workaholism denial.

Modern capitalism has become masterful at generating wealth and envy even though we always want to surpass our peers without knowing when to stop. It doesn't matter how much you make: life isn't any fun when you don't have a sense of enough – the hardest financial skill is knowing what enough is for yourself and your family.

If humans weren’t primarily motivated by getting more money

Under capitalism, we have been taught that being broke is the worst thing that can happen. We are encouraged to buy things we don't need and envy people who have nicer things than us.

Capitalism is obsessed with generating immense wealth and never-ending envy. What would the capitalist system look like if humans weren’t primarily motivated by getting more money?

How about by having enough to do their full potential or by doing what they love for a living? This is a great question. I don't know if it would be possible to answer this question in one answer because I think that each person's value system is different.

Money may not be the primary motivator in our lives, but it seems to provide some level of comfort and happiness that we might not be able to get anywhere else. It also provides a sense of security and self-worth when you have extra money on hand.

This is why even those who are not getting more money still think that it would be better to work in a job they enjoy and get paid well than to work in a job that they hate and make less.

One of the things people would disagree with is that capitalism places importance on people being driven by greed, rather than other things. For them, capitalism has allowed them the freedom to live their lives and pursue what they love without being restricted by someone else's needs or wants.

This is something that people have a hard time understanding and I think that this is one of the more difficult concepts to convey.

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