
avatar of @empoderat
1 min read

Nope! I already purchased my own SEED allocation of 25K SEED. More info there.

That means the remaining 25K unissued SEED could be:

  1. Burned.
  2. Sold at a higher price (p.e. 5$ SEED or more, but not anytime soon).
  3. Used as a yield-farming reward for providing liquidity in an AMM?
  4. Marketing/collaborative purposes? We give X SEED in an OTC trade for Y amount of another project.
  5. Used as the reward for voting in our own DAO?

Note that these are only my thoughts and nothing official, just a few ideas that I had and I'm speaking out loud about them.

I would be OK with any of these options, but since I still have no idea I'm not doing anything and we'll revisit that idea later (If ever).

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